i voted for the first time in my country just a couple days ago.. and it was interesting to say the least, i just recently turned 18. Cold as fuck over here! and my hat of choice was a spongebob hat lol so of course i just looked like a tall baby
all of the old people there kept giving me goofy looks and i think it was probably just the fact that i was wearing such a childish hat
i fumbled awkwardly with my id and voted.. the process was fine.. nothing really special
but as i was leaving, cold as hell. it was this old lady that just walked up and grabbed my arm and was saying something along the times of "ohh young man, i can tell you're a first time voter" stuff along those lines just commenting on how young i looked etc but it was her saying something like "you're actually allowed to complain now"
which just felt... ridiculous to me... @_@
teenagers and kids have to be put through all the bullshit adults/old people put them through without a choice..
don't get me wrong im not dumb, i understand she was trying to just make small talk and be funny and i wasn't rude i just laughed and said yeah, twas a silly experience
i talked to my friends about it and they had the very similar experiences with (aside the hat LOL)
kind of a nothing burger of a post again more of just a this thing happened!( probably brought it on myself) these are my thoughts!
(also i wish we got stickers when we voted!! is that just an american thing??)
quick 4 minute re-imagining
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