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Category: Writing and Poetry

~a bittersweet love story~ (WIP) (UPDATE!!)


Sibling x adopted sibling
SH and suicide mentions/descriptions 
Sexual themes/descriptions
And overall sensitive themes!!!!!!!!!



Cosmo pastry grew up without knowing who his parents were. He was told his mother Elinor pastry was a chief who cared very deeply for her family, and his father Trance pastry was always busy with work and was never around. That is what his sister Ginger had always told him when growing up, they lived in foster homes after their parents unfortunate passing. Ginger had to see her parents burn in that horrible house fire, that's a very tragic and traumatizing thing for a 13 year old to see… as for Cosmo he does not remember it since he wasn’t home at the time.. It had been 3 years since the fire, Ginger was now 16 and Cosmo was 13, they were still living in foster homes, they had no hope of being adopted…  a rich looking woman had stepped into the adoption center “is this where you come to adopt children?” she spoke, “yes ma’am!” the worker said in a awfully happy tone, “fantastic!” she shouted as she looked to the side, there she saw Cosmo and Ginger playing together with some other kids. “Who are those kids?” the woman whispered, “oh those kids?” he spoke as he pointed to Cosmo and Ginger, “yes them!” the woman whisper shouted, “are you interested in adopting them?” the worker exclaimed, “perchance… could i get some information on them first?” the woman said in a low and serious tone, “that one there, the tall one, that’s ginger shes 16.” the worker explained as he continued “and the kid next to her, that’s her brother cosmo, he’s 13”  the woman glanced at the kids and thought to herself for a moment, “hmm… how long will the adoption process take?” she asked, “a few weeks most likely!” the worker said cheerfully, “fantastic!!” she cheered, “is it alright to go talk to the kids?” she asked, “sure go ahead while i go grab the papers” he replied as he walked away. Her heels clicked on the ground as she walked over to the kids, her smiling growing bigger as she got closer. “Hello children, my name is Francesca Seedly” she announced proudly “oh hello there ma’am!” Ginger replied. She smiled, “i’m actually about to sign the papers to start the adoption process for you and your brother!” she exclaimed “WAIT YOUR GOING TO ADOPT US?” Ginger shouted “oh my calm down!” she smiled as she continued “yes im just waiting for that employee to get back” Ginger smiled “can i tell my brother?” Ginger asked, “of course dear!!” she said as Ginger ran to Cosmo excitedly to tell him the news.


it had been over a year since Francesca seedly had adopted both Ginger and Cosmo, everything was going nicely… until… Cosmo and his new brother Sprout seedly had started growing closer together… maybe TO close? Cosmo had developed a crush on Sprout, “i cant like him its wrong! We share the same last name! Were Technically brothers!” Cosmo said to himself “but… hes just so hot.. AGHHHH” he shouted loudly as footsteps got closer to his door, “COZ ARE YOU OKAY?” Sprout shouted worriedly as he slammed open the door, they locked eyes, “yeah im fine i just ah umm… i just dropped something on my foot!!” Cosmo said nervously “well are you okay? You screamed really loud..” Sprout said in a worried tone, “yes im fine i promise” Cosmo said reisuring Sprout, “Hmm okay…” Sprout said as he walked away, “plus even if i told him i’d ever have a shot.. He already has a boyfriend” Cosmo said to himself, “whatever i have to go to school soon” Cosmo said as he rushed himself out the door. Soon he arrived at GaredenView middle school, “hey cosmo!” a voice shouted from behind him, he turned around to see none other than Astro Novalite, “oh… hey astro” he said grinding his teeth together “have you seen sprout? I can’t find him!!” Astro asked in a worried tone, “i don’t know he’s probably with his friends or something?” Cosmo said in a annoyed tone, “alright i’ll go ask them if they’ve seen him!” Astro shouted as he ran away. “ugh i hate astro, he can never go five minutes without his boyfriend, WHICH IS MY BROTHER?” Cosmo said complaining to Boxten Musicly, “yeah i don’t like him either… he’s always so rude to me!”  Boxten said angrily “ugh i wish he would just leave sprout alone for once”  Cosmo said pleadingly, “i wish he would just leave ME alone” Boxten shouted, “he acts like a sweet innocent puppy who could never do anything wrong!” Cosmo said in a annoyed tone, “I’ve seen they way him and Glitsen mirror look at each other!” Cosmo shouted as he continued “he HAS to be cheating on sprout!” Cosmo yelled loudly, “WHAT?” Sprout yelled from across the cafeteria, “SHIT” Cosmo whisper yelled as Sprout ran over to him, “cosmo what are you talking about?” Sprout said angrily “ um… can we go somewhere private so i can tell you?” Cosmo said quietly, “fine” Sprout said following behind Cosmo, “okay so tell me” Sprout said demandingly, “im pretty sure astro is cheating on you with glitsen…” Cosmo said in a low and worried tone “what the hell are you talking about cosmo? He would never” Sprout said denying Cosmo’s words, “i didn’t want to tell you this but… i saw astro and glitsen making out behind the school a few days ago..” Cosmo said quietly, “....” Sprout had fell silent in shock. he started walking over to Astro and Glitsen’s table, “i feel bad about lying to him…” Cosmo thought to himself as he watched Sprout break up with Astro, “but after all… now i finally have a chance” Cosmo thought to himself as his smile grew bigger.  


(chapter 2 :3)

It had been a few weeks after Sprout had broken up with Astro, Sprout has absolutely crushed and heart broken, yet Cosmo saw this as a good thing, after all he was vulnerable, weak, desperate, and depressed, “i feel bad… yet he’s finally single and i finally have a chance!” Cosmo cheered, “should i tell him now or wait?” he thought to himself, “i should talk with boxten first..” Cosmo said nervously as he picked up his phone, soon boxten picked up, “hey boxten…” Cosmo said quietly, “yeah what’s up?” Boxten said cheerfully, “i think i’m going to tell my crush how i feel” Cosmo said as his voice began to shake, “that’s great buddy! I hope it goes well!!” Boxten said before hanging up. Cosmo put his phone down as he slowly walked up to Sprout, “um hey sprout? Can we talk alone for a second?” Cosmo said nervously, “um sure?” Sprout said confusingly as he followed Cosmo to his bedroom, “so what do you wanna ask me about?” Sprout said waiting impatiently for an answer, Cosmo clearly looked nervous, “so i-i um” Cosmo said in a shaky voice, “i-” Cosmo continued with, “if your not going to tell me anything then im leaving..” Sprout shouted quietly, as he turned to walk away suddenly Cosmo spoke,“SPROUT I-I REALLY LIKE YOU A-AND I UM.. I REALLY WANT TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!” Cosmo shouted, “.....” Sprout had fall silent, Cosmo began to worry “Sprout im really sorry i-if you don’t like me that's fine haha!” Cosmo said as tears began to form in his eyes, “cosmo i-i think it’s best if i leave…im sorry” Sprout said quietly as he walked out of Cosmo’s room leaving him there alone, “im so fucking stupid, OF COURSE HE WOULDN’T LIKE ME BACK??” He shouted as his anger slowly turned into regret and sorrow, “im such a fuck up…” he exclaimed, “i should never have told him..” he whispered quietly as he began to cry. The pain was too much to handle, after all it’s not like telling your crush you only see at school that you like them, Cosmo lives with him, imagine seeing your ex everyday when you wake up. Cosmo went to school the next morning clearly looking tired, “hey cosmo” Boxten shouted quietly stopping Cosmo in his tracks, “oh hey boxten” Cosmo replied in a quiet and depressed tone, “are you okay? You look and sound really tired..” Boxten asked in a concerned and worried voice, “yeah im fine i was just up all night studying!” Cosmo said nervously, “oh alright ill see you during lunch!” Boxten replied as he ran off.

this is what i have so far!! i will edit it once i have more! 

abt the whole "Cosmo pastry grew up without knowing who his parents were" and "as for Cosmo he does not remember it since he wasn’t home at the time" he wasn't living with his parents at the time!! he was living with his grandparents i forgot to mention it :')

so i did change the whole cosmo cutting himself thing after sprout rejected him, i didn't really know how to go off of that so YEAH!!

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