Despite it all, at least I feel loved right now. My ex partners Lila and Rudolph are talking to me again. They've been visiting, as I don't feel good in the head right now... Funny enough, it's more like I don't feel good in this body right now, I go to bed trembling and upset. Even Jesse has been spending more time with me. He's my only official partner and he's been out of the house a lot, which is fine but I thought he was mad at me. Seems he isn't as he came home last night and helped me.
As for the cause of feeling unwell? Most likely just mundane stressors: money, work, rent and home, the political state of this place right now. At least it's not like it was years ago, THAT shit was insane.
I'm starting to feel unwell again and it's only 7PM. I'll drink some good tea and take my meds early, perhaps commune with my spirit family some more. I might do tarot.... it's just so much effort and I am Chronically Disabled, what a joy.
I wish I could afford to get candles... it would help me so much with spiritual attunement right now TmT
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I'm very good at talking if you want to talk just add me
Aaaaa your profile is so cute!! I don't feel comfortable DMing minors though, sorry!
by ⛧Virgil⛧; ; Report
I'm already 16 years old and this year I'll be 17
by teixeira222; ; Report