Hey strangers! I'm going to show you some other bracelets from my collection. I'll make more in the future, unfortunately they didn't all fit on my arm :b
Here are the rest of the ones I have, some I use more often than others:(◕‿◕)
✰Various bracelets✰
(note: the green bracelet says 'i see you', I made it when I was obsessed with avatars. Below it, I tried to create a bracelet inspired by Melanie Martinez's album "portals"
I like to mix the darker simple ones with the colorful ones, the mix of colors makes it more interesting
And that, I'm doing nothing at home, except occupying my mind with bracelets and tiktok And eating sweets
XOXO ┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍
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Neato bracelet