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Category: Blogging

thoughts and picture dump for today [2025-03-02]

A bit of a quiet but busy day, jeez they really make paying for college fees and housing super difficult huh. college sites are just the worst the navigation is absolutely garbage and nobody knows what they're doing haha no clear instructions headbow

went out to the thrift store today and saw this cat sweater, they usually have really nice cat designs I don't know why i never buy them lol 

saw these shoes i wanted buy but 1, expensive... 2..my friend said they look like old man shoes lol @_@ 

I always see this cat hats in stores and i think they would be so cute for my cats, but i don't want to bother them hehe kitty lick

additional mirror pants pic lol, went to two thrifts stores just a bit far from eachother but the first one had.. basically nothing.. as for college had to get on call with a friend whose already there to help me, with what the hell this process is....i feel like im the only person basically doing it all without help from parents haha, that's life though sigh

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