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Category: Life


litterly cant rn

ok so i bought a pair of shorts and like a new like ed hardy tank top thing  and i showed my dad like i usually do

FIRST thing this man says to me

"you need to start going to the gym more mhurrin"

like right thats me not eating anymore

i used to be a skinny legend but i stopped sliving with my mum and moved to my dads like

i have put on weight but like he been knowing ive been trying to lose weight

and yall ibr we live with my nana right and i HATE like going downstairs when shes there bcz she has like so much beef w me

my dad hadnt spoke to her in like years but then when him and my mum split up she text him n stuff

first thing she says to me 

"oh youve put on weight"


mind you last time i saw her i was like 5

she thinks im like actually retarded and cant do anything

so i like hate going downstairs when shes there

like ngl when i was staying with my mum i was eating like one thing a day but i moved in with my dad in june and oh my god i cannot stand it here

like itll be fine when we get a house but we litterly cant

IMAGINE being a 14 year old girl and sharing a fucking room with your dad 


like bro i just want to go on ps with gng and i cant because like imagine ur dad just listening to everything ur saying to ur pals on call

hes actually sound when im on call but like i cant say what i wanna say like i cant talk shit without having to explain it to him ykwin like hes not like strict but hes just nosy its annoying i cant call any of my girl pals and talk shit because hes just THERE

like honestly im going fuvking insane

like i love him but i cant fucking stand sharign a room with him

i havent had my alexa plugged in since JUNE

but back to the weight thing

i dont mind eating healthy its just my nana always has something to say

like of she saw me eating litterly anyhting healthy she would ssay something and tell like everyone

im actually tweaking out

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Survivor.R's profile picture

I hope your doing okay. Sorry that happened. :(

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im fine tysm ily <33

by mhurrin; ; Report