pshovel's profile picture

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Category: Friends

abt me

heyeeeyy i'm pshovel with a SILENT P no peeshovel just shovel.

i'm from chile soooo i speak spanish AND english. and what can i say....... heh........... not to brag but i'm an expert at brawl stars. 😅😅😅 i'm also 6'4 and i got a rari btw

yomi mizuhara please interact

i love tyler the creator he's my GOAT ❤ i also love boards of canada and aphex twin. cojum dip fans come to me

This may contain: a woman with short hair sitting in a chair

b4 you interact

i'm a MINOR!!!! i don't really care about interacting with +18 just don't be weird to me. that's just common sense though

i rarely use tonetags but i don't have any problems wit them. if you want me to use them with you just ask i don't bite ❤

people i do NOT want near me

PEDOPHILES!!!! PEDOPHILES!!!!!!! I'M NOT CALLING YOU A LOLICON OR SHOTACON YOU A PEDOPHILE YOU LIKE LIL KIDS i do not give a SINGLE fuck if they just pixels TO YOU. it's still weird as hell 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ this also applies to proshippers by the way i do not wanna see you posting about shipping a baby and a grown ass man

you know the drill like racists n shit. i also hate edgelords if you use 4chan 24/7 or just talk about slittin your wrist when no one ask you to

ritsu haters don't even BREATHE near me.

a nokia cell phone is laying on ice

people i want near me

BRAWL STARS FANS especially if you're a carl main nngh 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤my supercell id is aphxtwin btw add me.

azumanga fans

mob psycho fans

tyler, peggy, n DOOM fans

if you're not icky i really don't care if you don't have the same interests as me i just care if ur funny n active

a man wearing headphones with the words he has powers written above him

ok bye pshovel out

19 Kudos


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Crazy Cane

Crazy Cane's profile picture

Thank you so much for sharing all that is in your mind and heart. We need to protect ourselves from people that have ulterior motives and hidden agendas. You have educated us to do it better today.☆☆☆☆

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