Writing practice ^^ -

“-Yvonne, remind why I have to date David?” I look towards Yvonne who doesn’t look back at me but shrugs.

-“I don’t know,” She says “ You tell me, Nikki. His your boyfriend”

-“Yeah, boyfriend that I don’t love.

-“Then why are you dating him?”

-“That’s what I am trying to remember.” I respond to her in a harsh tone.

David has been my boyfriend ever since school started and I am disgusted by him. First off all, when I met him he called me ugly and insulted me and my fictional crush - Lord of Corruption from some book series, “The tale of the seven lords” or TSL.

Yvonne, is my childhood friend who always has been there for me. She seen me at my best and at my worst.

-“Don’t ask me girl,” She said, her gaze finally meeting mine “Is your boyfriend, your life and most importantly, your decision.”

-“ You know that I am terrible at making decisions.” I responded as I rubbed the bridge of my nose. I hate making decisions and also I am terrible at making decisions. I always feel like I have to ask others for advice.

-“Well, I am sure that whatever you do, it will turn out fine.” She reassured me as she placed her hand on my shoulder. It made me crack a smile as I looked back at her. I looked in her eyes but without me realising I started to look down at her lips.

-“Don’t kiss me-“ She said as he started to laugh

-“A-“ I yelped before I stopped looking at her lips and distanced myself from her “S-Sorry!-“ My face redden. I can’t believe I did that. Both me and Yvonne have boyfriends, well I’m not even sure if Yvonne even likes her boyfriend. She told me that she doesn’t have interest in dating but then she dates a boy.

Whatever, she’s my best friend and I will love her no matter what decisions she makes.

-“Woah, don’t worry!- I’m not mad!-“ She said, laughing.

I placed my head in the palms of my hands. Fuck, now I have the thought of me and Yvonne doing it - and I mean by kissing.


-“WHAT?!-“ I burst out yelling

-“ I was just teasing, I just really like teasing you-“

-“I DON’T!-“




-“I DON’T KNOW!-“ I responded to her. I actually started to laugh.

Yvonne has the hobby of teasing me, either friendly teasing or ‘I am gonna make you a lesbian’ teasing.

We settled after some minutes and there was a thick silence between us.

-“Should I break up with David?” I spoked up

-“Is your decision.” She responded “Yes.” She added while he passed me a pen and paper.

-“HELL YEAH!” I responded in a loud tone and I started to write: ‘Dear David, first of all; GO FUCK YOURSELF…’

0 Kudos


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