everyone is weird nowadays, sure! and maybe im just stuck in my own little bubble worried too much about what others think of me. but to others sometimes it just feels like a nuisance. I see other guys and i always think to myself man it must be such a bother that i'm here. although i went to an art highschool and was mostly surrounded by people like me but when out in public or at the mall i just see other guys my age and feel a little guilty that i'm odd. mostly humans have just been taught and evolved to feel safe around people who think and act like them right? feels like im going out on my own.. out of the pack...... But thats stupid this whole site is proof that i'm not the only weird one lol,, so here i dont stand out.
guess its just more of an innate feeling of guilt in the real world, anyone who does not go along in the safety of the group of what has been taught to be comfortable and safe is going to feel anxious or scared without approval of whatever "group" they were in
this is really a nothing burger of a post just wanted to type out my thoughts
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you might be weird for them but they might be weird for you, it doesn't really matter what someone thinks, right? most of the time you're gonna be the same, be who you want, don't let anybody make you feel like a 'nuisance' for being yourself. fuck the system dude
yeah,, you're totally right. Gotta remember that, thanks for the reminder!
by rasmus; ; Report