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Category: Music

Visual Kei

HEWO GUYS, how are you all?? hope everyone is okayy

ATTENTION WARNING theres no attention warning i just wanted to put it :3 (let's go to the point lol)
Changes of ideas, there's a warning.. i made this only for fun, there's a lot of better, prettier and more informative Visual Kei blogs in Spacehey, sooo.. take a look on them too!!!!!

there's anyone here that are VISUAL KEI? Listens to the musics or idk..

if no, i will show you WHAT visual kei is!!

Visual kei (ヴィジュアル系) is a Japanese music movement that emphasizes extravagant costumes and stage performances

Pioneered in the late ‘80s by Hayashi Yoshiki’s X Japan, visual kei as a term was abbreviated down from visual shock kei, derived from a slogan on X Japan’s 1989 album Blue Blood – “Psychedelic Violence Crime of Visual Shock”.
and more groups such as  Dead EndBuck-TickD'erlanger, and Color, and gained further notoriety in the 1990s through the success of groups like Luna SeaGlayL'Arc-en-Ciel, and Malice Mizer. The movement's success continued through the 2000s with Gackt and more musically broad bands such as Dir En Greythe GazetteAlice NineGirugamesh, Versailles etc..

                              AND SO YOU MAY THINK "and how they dresses ?" 

this part is totally with me ! (the previous part i searched lol sorryz)

Visual Kei is not a only style, the same as the music that is not always the same genre.

  • Kurofuku Kei – literally black clothing, usually black suits. Commonly linked with the early Visual acts such as Buck-Tick and Zi:Kill

  • Angura Kei – the name stems from the English word “underground”. The style is derived from a cultural movement particularly that of independent theater in Japan from the 1960’s and the fervent political unrest from which the decade is known globally.  Angura theatre is notably experimental and concerned with the Japanese mythos; that is Japanese beliefs, attitudes and cultural values. The sub-genre is also linked to eroguro and many bands bridge both lines but it is consider darker and more formal. It features the use of Japanese uniform, kimino or other types of traditional garb. Examples of Angura Kei bands are Kagrra and Inugami Circus-Dan.
Angura Kei

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