School, clothes, being bullied... What else could you need?

S0, 4d 1 s41d 1n my l4st Bl0g 3ntry, 1'm b31ng bull13d 4t sch00l f0r b31ng... 3m0! Surpr1s3 surpr1s3!! 4nyw4y- 1'm b31ng h4rr4s3d 4 l0t b3c4us3 0f my cl0th3s by 0th3r k1ds 1n my sch00l, my cl4ssm4t3s bully m3- 3v3n my fr13nds try t0 ch4nge h0w 1 dr3ss (t0 th3 p0int 0f wh3r3 th3 'rud3' g1rl 1n my cl4ss 1m s0rt4 fr1ends w/ 1s n1c3r 4nd w4y m0r3 supp0rr1v3 th4n my fr13nds, s4y1ng 1t's c00l th4t 1 dress h0w 1 w4nt, 4nd th4t 1 l00k pr3tty h0w3v3r 1 w4nt t0 dr3ss)!!! 😭😭 s0, 0n3 d4y, 1 dr3ss3e h0w th3y w4nt3d m3 t0- sk1nn13r j34ns, t1ght sh1rt t0 sh0w 0ff my... Curv3s (ew!!), 4nd 1t w4s 4ls0 l0w-cut 🥲 but, unsurpr1s1ngly, 1 d1dn't g3t 0n3 s1ngl3 c0mm3nt!!! 

S0, b4s1c4lly, 1 w4nt 0pp1n10ns- sh0uld 1 dr3ss h0w 1 w4nt, 4nd 3ndure th3 bully1ng f0r th3 r3st of the sch00l y34r, 0r dr3ss h0w th3y w4nt m3 t0, f33l 3xtr3mly unc0mf0rt4bl3, but 1nst34d 4ctu4lly g3t c0mpl1m3nts? (Th3 0nly p30pl3 1 g3t c0mpl1m3nts fr0m wh3n dr3ss3d h0w 1 w4nt 1s l1ttl3 k1ds...) 

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