I've been DYING to see some type of media on Metal Family DX
There is some, idk really know how many but a good bit, on Tumblr; and that's what I've been looking for media on, but I've seen it all ( ╯□╰ ) ..and most of it is Deavy anyway... (Dee x Heavy ,, aka the 15 and 13 yr. old brothers, and it gets worse when you get to them more sexual side of it, which I think there's more of than the just normal things.. Which I don't like, so I don't like looking/reading it)
Overall though, there's not really a lot of media at all. Sadly of course. There are some good things on Tumblr and on Ao3, and there's some good accounts of edits and random things on TikTok. Here though? I've found one artwork, and one little rant about it..
For someone who NEEDS media of their hyper fixations, it is very sad that there isn't a lot of media on it ://
But, with my head, I'll hopefully end up adding some rants on here at some point. Hopefully.
I love that it's not really a big fandom, that makes it less problematic even with the Deavy ship. But it is sad how little media there is.. Also, I remembered that Deviant Art existed lmao :P
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