hi, this is my first blog on spacehey. english is not my first language, but i feel more comfortable venting in english, so ignore my mistakes.
my mom died when i was ten years old and i still haven't got over the trauma and i'm depressed since then. however, my father has a new wife now. they got married in 2021, and honestly i love my stepmother. she's a bad bitch, she's amazing, she raised me as her own daughter and i really love and care for her. she already has two sons, i consider them my brothers.
today was a good day, actually. i watched shrek, i ate pizza with my grandparents and all, it was a really funny day. however, my stepmother told us that she's starting to see things differently... for context, my mom started seeing things differently too, months before she died. she said she was having blurred vision and wearing everything mixed up. so imagine my despair when she told us about it as if it were a joke.
I'm worried, very worried. my father is acting too calm, as if it's nothing. did he forget what happened years ago with his wife? with my mother? honestly, i'm desperate.
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