egg appreciation post [turned out yappier than I anticipated]

This might be controversial.

But I LOVE eggs.

Especially fried eggs for breakfast. No joke, I go to sleep every night excited to have my very specific breakfast in the morning: After turning the coffee machine on, I throw in one or two slices of full-grain bread into the toaster and put some olive oil into my pan. Then, without waiting for the oil to heat up, I crack two eggs into the pan and slightly... scramble? the egg whites because I like the consistency to be about the same on every part of the egg, and naturally eggs have some denser egg white and some more liquid. Afterwards, I season my eggs with salt, pepper and some random indian seasoning mix. [If we happen to have some feta in the fridge, I'll crumble some over the eggs now!] At that point, I can finish my coffee by adding vanilla sweetener and plant-based milk. A few minutes later, my eggs are done- yolks nice and runny!  


Soft boiled eggs are SOOOO good, salted or even with some maggi würze (that's like... german soy sauce?)

And hard boiled eggs are so good in salads or in sandwiches,,, SO YUM!!

Special mention: I just recently discovered my love for marinated eggs, they are sooooo good in miso soup~

I've genuinely had this breakfast almost every morning for like.. two years? If not that, it's (overnight) oats with chocolate protein powder, banana and peanut butter :3

Thank you for reading my insanity posting! It is currently 02:33am and I am, unsurprisingly, already excited for breakfast! :33 

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