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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Weird recurrent dream

Hi ppl !!!

Ok so i need to tell you abt a dream i had several time when i was like 8 or sum, which was not that scary but that marked my brain a lot

im gonna start up by describing the environnement which was full of little tiles like you know those poolcore type of visuals but it was outside like walls and streets were full of those.

It was very sunny and with blue roofs kinda seems like those greece's island (santorini) yk !!!

île grecque santorin vue toits bleus et mer

just like this but full of silly ahh white tiles

I was definitly not home cause i lived in Paris at that time (and if you went once in Paris yk sun is not the first word coming out of your mind when you think of it) 


I literally saw me in 3rd person and it was so so weird cause i felt anxious of being followed by someone or something but I KNEW perfectly it was me cause i saw myself but still...i felt anxious

and as i know poolcore went viral soooo much time after my dream i was wondering if you guys already experienced a dream somewhat similar, let me know in the comment section!!!!!!

(PS: never been to greece and prolly didn't know santorini existed at the age of 8)


-your online trans girl

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whoah's profile picture

yea i cursed you with that dream, sorry girlie but i was bored and im an evil wizard so it had to happen

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oh shoot it will happen again then, i will follow my own self 4ever and being afraid of it on top of that

by Sky3; ; Report