nyabiii's profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

First time using CSS!

Just finished making my profile! im quite proud of it considering the fact that besides changing a mouse cursor on an itch page, this was the first time i ever used CSS. the tutorial in the HTML group was SUPER helpful (along with firefox's inspect element :3), i think im actually getting a decent understanding of CSS now and im excited to make more stuff eventually ¦3

Just finished making my profile! im quite proud of it considering the fact that besides changing a mouse cursor on an itch page, this was the first time i ever used CSS. the tutorial in the HTML group was SUPER helpful (along with firefox's inspect element :3), i think im actually getting a decent understanding of CSS now and im excited to make more stuff eventually ¦3

2 Kudos


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sophie's profile picture

it took me 5 hours to do my profile .. i don't even know that much but i rly like urs so keep it up!

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by nyabiii; ; Report