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Category: Life


I know I'm gonna sound like a bad person because I feel like one right now.

I really liked my friend(Z) but obviously didn't want to do anything about it because he's my friend but my friend(A) liked his friend(E) so she was trying to make us all be friends which I was fine with but one day we all went out for E's birthday and we get to the restaurant and E keeps saying "tell him" to me because he knew I liked Z but I didn't want to but when we got in the car E says "I already told him so no point in hiding it" so I was forced to tell him I liked him and later that night he texted me and told me he liked me too (Saturday) and for a whole week we kinda ignored it till Thursday when I have a class with him and we started dating ig?? 

we hung out earlier this week with A and E who also started dating so it was basically a 2 man. But we were playing Wii sports bowling an I was losing so I was joking around saying "I hate u""u pmo" as a joke but then I hear him say (quietly) "yeah love you too" so I just played dumb like I didn't hear it because I'm not ready for that yet. so I think he likes me more than I like him.

but the thing is our school is going on a field trip and we have to be in groups which we choose soon for our trip in MAY. which HIS MOM is chaperoning so its gonna be me, Z, A, E, and two other people I don't know that well so its probably gonna be really awkward T-T  because a lot can happen in 2 months and I just hope we can come out of this as friends.


ps- I despise E for forcing me to tell him >:( jkjk

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