Idea 1
Life is a slow burn of every single thing u did in every single moment u lived u may be sitting down now on ur phone scrolling convinced that what would an hour or 3 or even a week do all I need is to look in once I need that lets say that parallel universes exist n the #1000001234 you didn’t scroll and did go for a walk going threw that random idea of urs that u threw aside that came to u but u scrolled past it looking for the next dopamine rush I am not blaming u on it I do it but that version of u since he was just walking took a long time making it a reality just to fail miserably he is now homeless u may said damn I am in a better case then him id say u dumb as brick ofc u r but the problem there is the fact that right now he hate the idea of him going threw with that idea n hoped he was u but if he was able to recover from that n stand back on his feet’s he will remember the mistake the experience all what he did wrong n right wanna know what u did remember ok do this at home scroll like nothing has happened then try remembering ur last 6vids hack even 4 or do u know that is a damn of a lot 2 if u were able to do so our laughing at me n ur r right but if u didn’t “lol lmao u dumb as brick” sorry I needed that for the million person that lied to him self now scroll up n try to remember the vids some vids will make u think like god damn I liked that well lets call that a regular day in my life .
Just fell down a rabbit hole of quantum physics n god damn is it depressing lets talk about the fact that atoms can know that they are observed that is scarry just imagine if all humanity went out of earth not letting a single way to observe it there is a chance that the atoms that create earth just look at each other n say finally we can rome free n earth disappear
Sometimes I think I am the only semi not totally dumb person out there the time travel paradox is dumb follow me ok look they say if I traveled back in time n killed my father I wouldn’t have been born n u know the rest but what if I tell u no u know what will happen nothing nothing at all why since you are traveling in time that means that u r faster then time meaning that if u killed ur father n then went to the futer u will find him cus time is not instant time moves at time speed n u were faster then time meaning u traveled in it so as u r traveling time is rippling throw the new reality meaning that lets say u traveled 50 years in the past if in 10 years u travel to 20 years in that futer ur father would be a live but if u traveled to 55years to the past u will find him dead n u wont exist there see I solved u guys problem go on find someone that is smart enough to create time traveling
Following on idea 2 doesn’t that mean that toy story is kind of right your toys as a kid could’ve been just playing around when u left like imagine your solder n your sisters doll waiting for u 2 to go out so they can make out n let loose even more imagine if the toys that disappeared when u were in ur cosines house on purpose were hiding cus they hated u n saw ur cosine as a better play pal even that’s sad
Looking at movies is it possible to sell people on a 1 person walking and talking to him self movie like 90mins of me walking n talking to my self like it would be a vibe movie with flashbacks as the main way to communicate with the viewer like here is me walking talking abt the sand in a ground that shouldn’t have sand hating the music that is on then a flashback of her hair smelling like sand I can see that as an experience type of movie personally id watch it would u
Yesterday I wrote this n I flt like it was some fire ahh shit : Jenna: Hy i don't remember adding u (sent6:29 pm) neither do i but it looks like u r in my close friend list 2(sent7:00 pm)
Jenna: well u 2 r in my close friend list, n ur name is super weird can i get ur name (sent7:02 pm) well i would say urs is Jenna am i right (sent7:17 pm)
Jenna: well it is kind of obvious but u still didn't give me urs ???(sent7:18 pm) i feel like u r an online scammer or smth why looking for my name (sent8:00 pm)
Jenna: look i feel like this convo isn't going any where i will remove u do the same (sent 8:04 pm)
after 12mins
Jenna: why r u back in my list r u a hacker or smth(sent8:16 pm) no why will i do so if i was a hacker i wont hack some random nobody think stupid think (sent9:00 pm)
Jenna: chill bro i was just think typing (sent9:01 pm)
Jenna: why wont u reply i am sorry reply i will do what ever u want (sent11:11 pm) will u do anything i don't know u u don't know me why will u be sad if i don't reply(sen00:00 am)
Jenna: thx for that u look hot that is why n i got attached to u (sent00:00 am) how do u know how i look like i don't know how u look like n i didn't post any pic of me (sent 00:10pm)
Jenna:(sent a pic)
Jenna: do u like it there is more where it comes from (sent 00:11 pm) will u send me a nude as a first pic u r a weirdo if even that is u (sent00:17 pm)
. a pic)
Jenna:how did u get that pic of me i just took it(sent xx:xx) i took it (xx:xx)
Jenna: (sent xx:xx) What?! Are you serious? This is creepy. (sent xx:xx) Don’t worry, it's not as crazy as it sounds. I might know more about you than you think.
Jenna: (sent xx:xx) What do you mean by that? Who are you really? (sent xx:xx) Maybe it's better if I show you instead of explaining. You’ll remember when you see it.
Jenna: (sent xx:xx) I’m not sure I want to see anything more from you. This is starting to feel off. (sent xx:xx) Too late now. You’re already in this
Jenna: (sent xx:xx) What do you mean "in this"? You're really scaring me now. Please stop. (sent xx:xx) Scaring you? I’m just trying to help you remember. You’ve been part of this long before you realized.
Jenna: (sent xx:xx) What are you talking about? I have no idea what you're saying. I’m blocking you if you don’t explain. (sent xx:xx) You won’t block me. You can’t. Not yet.
(Jenna’s phone buzzes with a notification for a new message, but it’s not from It's from an unknown number.)
Unknown Number: (sent xx:xx) "Is he bothering you? Don’t trust him. He’s been watching you for months."
Jenna: (sent xx:xx) Who is this?! How do you know?
(Another message pops up from the same number.)
Unknown Number: (sent xx:xx) "He won’t stop until he gets what he wants. But you can stop it. He’s been using a false name."
(Jenna’s heart races. She stares at the screen, too scared to type.)
Jenna (sent xx:xx): Who is this?! How do you know?
Unknown Number (sent xx:xx): He’s been tracking you. Watching your every move. But you can stop him, Jenna. You’re not alone.
(Jenna’s hands shake as she grips her phone. She looks back at the conversation with, who hasn’t replied in a while.)
Jenna (sent xx:xx): What do you mean I can stop him? I don’t know who you are!
Unknown Number (sent xx:xx): You do know me. I’m someone you met a long time ago. Don’t you remember? The people around you are just puppets in a game. He's part of it, but you... you have the power to change everything.
(Jenna’s mind races. Her chest tightens. She looks through her messages again, wondering if she’s missed something, anything, that could give her a clue. Her thoughts are interrupted by a new notification from (sent xx:xx): Why aren't you responding? I’m still waiting. You’re starting to make this harder than it needs to be.
(Jenna feels a chill run down her spine. She types a response, her fingers trembling.)
Jenna (sent xx:xx): What do you want from me? Why are you doing this? (sent xx:xx): I don’t want much. Just you. But there’s still time. Time for you to come to me, time for you to see everything for yourself.
(Jenna’s thoughts whirl. She remembers a few odd interactions from the past few weeks someone sending her mysterious DMs on social media, a random number texting her at strange hours, strange coincidences. The fear begins to grow as she realizes how far this could have gone.)
Jenna (sent xx:xx): What do you mean, ‘see everything’? Are you threatening me? (sent xx:xx): Not threatening. Just offering the truth. You’ve been living in the dark for too long. It’s time for you to wake up.
(Jenna stares at the screen, her breath shallow. Her heart races as she tries to make sense of the situation. The messages from the unknown number keep coming.)
Unknown Number (sent xx:xx): You don’t have much time. He knows what you’ve been hiding. The truth isn’t just in the words you’ve been reading, it’s in the ones you’ve ignored. He’s closer than you think.
(Jenna’s eyes widen. The words hit her harder than she expected. She thinks of all the times she had ignored her gut feeling about, the times she let things slide. The uneasy feeling that had built up over time. The strange connections she had overlooked.)
Jenna (sent xx:xx): What do you mean by "hiding"? What does he know? Who are you?
(A long pause. Then, the unknown number sends another message.)
Unknown Number (sent xx:xx): It’s not just him. You’ve been part of this since the beginning, Jenna. Don’t you remember? The games we’ve played? The people you thought were gone?
(The text is followed by an image — a grainy photo of Jenna at a park months ago, a day she barely remembered. She’s standing next to someone familiar, someone she thought she’d forgotten, someone she thought she’d lost touch with.)
Jenna (sent xx:xx): How did you get this? How do you know me?!
(Suddenly, Jenna’s phone freezes. She tries to open the message again, but it won’t load. The screen goes black for a moment, then flickers back on. She feels a strange wave of dizziness as if something in her mind has shifted.)
(A new message from appears.) (sent xx:xx): It's already started, Jenna. The truth is already here. But now you have to decide: will you be the one to finish it? Or will you just keep running?
(Her head spins. She doesn’t know who to trust, and worse, she doesn’t know what’s real anymore. Jenna takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. Then she hits ‘call’ dialing the unknown number.)
Unknown Number (answered): It’s too late, Jenna. You’re already in too deep.
(Before she can respond, the line goes dead.)
I think it would make a fire book that will make me a millionaire hobo that travels the world yapping
Idea 4
So for Beyblades to sell ther new beys ther main gimmick is weird ahh gimmicks spin stealing ohh idk free spinning jumping but they also once in 10years or soo need to do a reboot to bring the new gen like Beyblade into Beyblade metal fusion into Beyblade burst into now Beyblade x so at some point the number 3002 new jumping bey will not be interesting ther new show wont hit with the children so they would also try to keep up with the nostalgia factor like lets remake L.drago n stuff of a like so basically there one of the only brands that are basically un killable what kid wont like Beyblades u didn’t well ther numbers speak cus I like yugioh but I am 90persent sure itt will die the more it is running the more it is getting complicated like duel monsters was like i summon dark magician n now it is a 15min yapathon just for the next player to be like ok I negate into negate into negate to be able to play yap again it is quit way to complicated for lil kids that is why they tried rush but it got complicated to like for yugioh to get complicated is far more easy then Beyblade
Idea 9
So I hear dumb people saying that Goku will get the shit beat out of him from Gojo now hear me out to help yall dumb ahh people understand knowing that the main point for Gojo is infinity so lets talk abt every single other point like if we make Gojo feats as crazy as I can think logicaly he aint at light speed but let say he is and do u know what since I am generous lets give him a 10000time multiplayer shall we ok now anime Goku is faster then time it self not even in the end in the universe6 battle arc he literally punched in the futer so his speed is irrelevant but u may say but moundhir idwanna beilive that I am a stupid person I will say ok what abt as a kid he dodged ki attacks so they are around the speed of light n he hade far less the a 100power so ssj2goku is at least 1milion times the speed of light soo he speed blitz him knowing that light in dragon ball is faster then it in jjk cus of the moment where berus destroyed that planet and instantly it was sawn on earth knowing that light from the moon to earth takes 7secs that alone make it so if Goku is only light speed he is faster but what abt infinity ok lil boy we all know of instant transmition so the instant Kamehameha would hit but well we saw a lot of fighters blitz infinity so it aint that hard but I will give yall another one so u know that any infinity feat is infinity if someone destroyed infinite amount of paper is still is well in the tournament of universes Goku shake the world of void witch is infinite voide so he had to fill it with infinity ki then shake that infinite ki so ur infinity doesn’t matter n I didn’t wanna bring gt or cc so thank god and know that kid Goku can blitz Gojo
Today 2/11/2025 I went and bought some children games at first I rationalized it to my self saying well it is kind of a trend right now with kai cenat tournament and all (the games are Beyblades if that wasn’t obvious I bought one of each gen except the original I didn’t find any ) but now I get why I wanted to slow the passage of time for a while time is going way to fast I am not able to catch up to it in any way shape or form I am seeing every single person pass me in every way imaginable I way having a tight gripe on my math skills until I realized I am a computer science major that aint shit so this semester where math left I feel the gap yes I know stuff for know but while my development is slow people r speed blitzing me I feel pain and I wont lie last year some people didn’t know how to create a file in directory c now they kinda good n I am the same me from 1year ago even 3 I can go as far back as 6 yeah ever since 2019 my middle school years I didn’t really feel the incentive to study not gonna lie even farther back I was a god among humans I used to learn at a speed that is scary at 10 I had my first math Olympics and I did so bad I hated my self so I studied so hard I was doing the kinda math that at uni right now people with me wont get the over all goal of it not even it n from then on I only went up until one day I didn’t study for my exam n I toke a perfect note in a subject all about law n stuff at middle school and I was like moundhir we can rest a bit then not kidding my best results ever were on the semester I toke an 18 out of 20 as an over all without studying for a sec I literally stayed up doing nothing n did better then the people who were pulling as hard as possible n in the year after that I declined but I was still performing at an elite level lets skip the years if we did that we found our self here a person whose intellectual growth stopped at 13 and that can understand what ever but never outs the time cus his ego wont let him study n he still somehow a top 13 like I feel like shit I don’t know how to study anymore I don’t want this time I want to go back to the time were simple 3 2 1 let it ripe ohh n the problem is that I am the one who said to my friend “the tighter you hold the past the faster it slips” and after all that I am contradicting my self how funny is life it is way to funny so I know one thing and that is that time will only go faster from now on cus of time reference dilemma like when u lived 10 years a month was way to far away but when u lived 80years 3years is nothing much so I started writing this weird book to let something of me out live me maybe I will be able to read it and stick to my past ideas who knows it can be the solution like it can fuck me up way more then what I am right now
Sometimes when I hear people saying that if they go to the past they will do so much and they will change the time line and I am like no lil bro stop acting like u get shit you don’t look the phone will change history no it will work for a maximum of 48hours or so after that it will be a brick that all humanity don’t get what is so great about it actually you will slow down humanity cus they will try to make it but what if I fix the wrong stuff well you don’t have prof you can say that well the earth is rounded and the human body contains a lot of cells the build it but an average human will just have a world of mouth even a scientist cus we humans now specialize so you will make one think easy if not just theories cus a lot of stuff is normal for us and don’t need a prove and humanity co-help it self there is no one that is a jack of all trades that can be useful no one can explain a thing down to the last step cus there is always an other specialty that is the matter of an other person so you either give humanity some ideas that are way to far away in the human ladder of science that they will try to reach it and will slow them down or you will explain simple stuff to random useless people so I will help you we know that for thousands of years humanity existed with out fire so go to the first human after learning how to start a fire and start it and show him how to plant seeds and how to befriend animals this simple stuff took us 1000s of years so by this you will evolve humanity more then you could imagine or help preserve the library of Iraq or Alexandria do the stuff simple yet impactful not taking a phone or a car
I hate kids and a lot and I am in a Muslim society so you are expected to look to have them when I was a kid I took it as I don’t wanna marry but no I do wanna meet a girl and fall in love and find a way to co-exist with another human being in the bad and the good someone as weird as me someone if I call her n teel her we will go walking to a anime convention she would be like so we going as a couple cosplay someone I can live with without the need for children someone that us being together is peace and we don’t need a reason for that I don’t wanna say I married to have x or I married to do x or for y I want to say I married cus I cant live without her , so why you may ask well having children is for me as stupid as it gets lets go bring my sperm and your egg and merge them to make some thing that is random from how it looks to how it grows to everything and make that experience pain for 90persent of it lifespan just to do it again lets bring something that will hate us for the majority of the time that we should take care of in all ways shapes or forms and you have to do that cus if you didn’t you are bad, I believe that every kid deserve the best parents out there but not all parents deserve to have the right to have a kid we need a parent evaluation system like you go there they examine if you deserve a child or not that will help society but why will they have the right to forbid me from having a child well we don’t want it to suffer if you were good enough we would’ve gave you the right to do soo
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