Dear, creepy cuties ><
I don't think anyone will read these, but its fun to post into the void !
On that note, I will be posting about my life and such, like a public journal.
So if you'd like to be apart of or just witness the life of a gloomy weird girl, welcome! I should probably introduce my self a little more, tehe.
Im Milli (yes like the mersurment) my nicknames a pun since I'm a short girl XD
I'm just trying to romanticize my life a little bit. I've been wanting to get onto this website for awhile and life has been a bit glum so I decied to finally do it !
I've been a bit bored? Well, no not bored. Just life has seem a bit lazy, its not very exciting quite stagnant if you will. My life is actually somewhat stable for the first time in years and its weird..
I like my life insane (koRn) hehe. But I do relate to that song quite a bit, I like to be busy and occupied. I'm waiting for tennis season, I'll be more busy then. I'm excited its my first year playing. Anyway got off track..
But I'm just trying to add a little something to my life, mentally and physically lol.
Usually my minds totally overwhelmed with a crush, as a teen girl I think that's pretty relatable. I have a boyfriend, Ill refer to him as PB (peanut butter) because why not!
anyhow we've been together for about 5 months and it's a quite healthy relationship and for the first time I'm pretty secure so I have nothing to get super anxious about which is good !! Just my mind isn't really as occupied by it as I'd want. Which sounds weird prob lol. so I've been trying some new (and visiting some old) hobbies !
like cosplaying !
I used to be really into cosplay I even had a whole TikTok acc that got pretty famous (imo) 7k followers! BUt my friends found it and I got so embarrassed I deleted the whole acc! IM SO MAD AT MYSELF FOR IT NOW. But ig its in the past, so what can you do?
I think that's all for now, Ill post more tmr !! bye bye cuties tehe
~ <3 Milli
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