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Category: Blogging

My first post YEIII


<To whom it may concern...>

JAIIIII, so, here I Ann (you know, here I AM, but it´s my name instead HA HA HA).

Sooo, my name´s actually not Ann, it comes from my first real name that is Ana, but I´m so used to people calling me by my second name and I see this like a world apart from my reality, so I´m discarting it. And it has nothing to do with StarWars, it´s just a coincidence. Actually I haven´t seen any SW movie lol.

By the wayyyy, I LOVE to watch movies, it´s like my personal trait. Maybe my favorite genre are coming-of-age movies. I love those movies were nothing really happens, it´s only people existing. I really like Wong-Kar-Wai´s films, Wes Anderson´s, Tarantino´s maybe... OOOH, my favorite at the moment it´s Little Miss Sunshine, i love that movie.

And you know what else I love? THE BEATLES. I´d like to collect CD´s, but at the moment I only have two: The Blue Album and Abbey Road, both from The Beatles, daaah. My favorite songs of theirs are: Something, Across the universe, Dear Prudence, In my life... And George Harrison it´s like, idk, but I would have married him if I had the chance. I really like music in general, and I´m interested in 60´s and 70´s fashion, even if i haven´t reached my ideal style yet lol.

I also do journaling, I have been writing since 2020 but I have to admit that I´m not always constat, like I haven´t written like for 2 weeks, but I plan to do that.

I´m kinda into anime (watch CowboyBebop!!) and manga (read 20th Century Boys!!). Annnnd, I WOULD LOVE TO BUY A BASS. It has been like my dream for the past 5 months, but I haven´t made it yet :[

I love to read too. I´m currently reading "El amor en los tiempos del cólera" (Love in the Time of Cholera) by Gabriel García Márquez. I don´t know, just wanted to mention it. And I love Snoopy, I am him, he is me.

Sooo, hello wooorld, this is me. I´m not really sure about how this thing about the blog will be. I´ve always wanted to start a blog, but now that I´ve done it, I´m unsure about what should I write or if my writing will attract anyone´s attention. Feel free to message me :] I would be really excited to talk to anyone, and if I don´t respond it´s because my nerves got to me. But I´m really nice, I swear.

I´d try to be active, I´d write about anything that cautivates my attention. And sorry if some phrases doesn´t make any senseeee, english is not my first language. Byeee.

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