I have a particular blinkie gif I would like to put in my about-me space, but every time I input the html code it gets deleted automatically. How do I fix this? :(
(The gif is this: )
I have a particular blinkie gif I would like to put in my about-me space, but every time I input the html code it gets deleted automatically. How do I fix this? :(
(The gif is this: )
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Vana Aisling Byrne
It still didn't work! It's this. https://blinkies.cafe/b/display/0276-washhands.gif
Which code do you use?
html and/or css
by Vana Aisling Byrne; ; Report
No, I mean in which tag do you insert gif? or what?
by Перм@нентн0Удал9н; ; Report
Spacehey deleted, img tag or what?
by Перм@нентн0Удал9н; ; Report
Oh! Sorry. Yes, it deletes the img tag. See, it should just go like this: (img src="https://blinkies.cafe/b/display/0276-washhands.gif") except I'm using parentheses instead of lesser than/greater than.
by Vana Aisling Byrne; ; Report
strange, i just tested it in VSC, and all works well
by Перм@нентн0Удал9н; ; Report
Oh! I was using img ref, not img src, that's why it was being removed - Bad code.
Thank you for your attempt to help a dummy like me!
by Vana Aisling Byrne; ; Report
NP, don't be shy to ask if something is unclear
by Перм@нентн0Удал9н; ; Report
I'll be sure to!
by Vana Aisling Byrne; ; Report