[PREREAD] Im so so sooooo sorry for ghosting just as I made my account!! I got sick with the flu and had to convince my head to stay in my skull for about three weeks straight. Im much better now but I pray for the girl I was a few weeks ago,,, MY EAR STARTED LITERALLY BLEEDING-- I was convinced I was going to lose my hearing, I'm not even joking rn. So glad it magically went away after casually hindering my entire existence for two and a half weeks.
Anyways, I wanted to share my biggest project with you guys and hopefully get some feedback or support from my fellow creatives!! Seriously, take a good deep breath because what I'm about to get into is going to sound absolutely absurd.
What is "The Anomie Project" ??
This is a project I've been piecing together for about a year now and finally have some of the finishing touches put together on the basic outline [embarrassing ik]. The goal of this project is to connect with others through authentic self-expression, build a supportive community, and inspire self-acceptance, all while sharing my creative passions (music, fashion, beauty, etc.)- and establish a successful career as a content creator and musician lol.
There are three major parts of this project; Anomie Kalien, Nomi://log, and Nomi://Verse. Don't i seem full of myself lol, but let me explain...
Anomie Kalien
Hi. Thats me. The first major part of a self reflection and expression project is the ''self" part. My personal choice of expression is music and media. In this criteria, I hope to be releasing music reflecting on past traumas and interpersonal philosophies, making audios that I will use as background music {ooo for what I wonder:3}, creating videos and vlogs that share my emotions and experiences, creating and sharing handmade and upcycled fashion, and ultimately being the super-cool-media-personnel little girl me always dreamed of being.
Hopefully that can give some insight into future content and goals I'm reaching towards!
The second and my favorite part of the project is a two part project consisting of a manga script and a nontraditional-formatted novel. I say this is my favorite because here I get to get into all the details and Easter eggs- not because it have to write everything and draw it myself, which has been so challenging to put together. The idea is a manga illustrating a fictional futuristic world where an alien comet strikes Earth and changes the entire composition of all things living and non-living, creating an environment otherworldly compared to the world we know today. The focus is on a specific being, properly known as Vessel 333.
The pro://log will give major insight into how The Aurelia, the radiation from the asteroid comet, has effect the terrain and organism.--The year is 3025, nearly 1000 years after the extraterrestrial indulgence. Nova Terra is our home. No, Nova Terra is our research, and the laboratory is our home; and this research is for the betterment of humanity. Our duty at Spade Labs is to serve and protect humanity. --
These "vessels" are special bionically-engineered lab-fabricated militants raised in the labs in categorized sectors to take on the responsibilities they have been programmed to carry out. Some are programmed to guard the Valace, the sacred home of the rest of humanity. Some are programmed to become bioengineers to further studies done at the lab or carry information to higher authorities in Valace Study councils. Some mechanics to fix the automated machinery; some astrophysicist or engineers to fix programs at an uncomputable rate; some are programmed to become doctors and surgeons; and all will be blessed Valace Passes to help those in the commune. After all, all these vessels have been training since Embro Day to become the newest advances in government controlled human-bionic technology.
Vessel 333 is apart of the Indigo sector, a new unit of bionics having been bionically integrated and programmed in the latest wave of Spade Lab's technological advancements and research milestones-- being programmed with a main purpose of expeditioning into the unknown world and recovering research data about their ever-changing habitat of Nova Terra.
After graduation from their initial training, the first expedition begins with a main purpose of "explore & collect", and so the horrific and exciting adventures entail. They uncover supernatural beauties created by the Aurelias cosmic energy and evolution; crystalline flowers that hum and sing, glowing trees with root mimicing walking, animals mutated and transformed-practically living on top of one another in the same body; atmospheres reflecting particles of yourself, tide pools that defy gravity, the possibilities are endless. After four days on their own with no direct mission, they decide to head back to the labs and share their experience with their head director and scientists.
Having seen so much success with the Indigo unit, the progress their expeditions and give them their first missions. Then their second, and third, and so on. V333 begin forming bond with others, and the until begins working in teams to uncover different areas -- progressing their studies even further. With the growth of their research, their curiosity progresses just as much. V333 ask questions, They all ask questions and soon enough are learning about the history of the new world and the ways of the old world. They learn about the art and music and dancing and hobbies, things unknown to other vessels in the laboratory. They learn about Names and Jokes and Books and how humanity used to live. They learned about the first perfect AI, the first Bionic integration, The first Embro, the Making do the Valace, and the saving of humanity.
This leaves the vessels conflicted in ways they cant explain. V333, fixated on the name idea, decides they should pay respects by giving each other names, and thus begins the secret Indigo Sector Naming Ceremony. To the laboratory, V333 was a research vessel bionically engineered to intake, sore, and report information unable to be access by simple humanity. To the indigo sector, this was Nomi, their quick witted, stylish and innovative "friend". They swore an oath to practice Art and Hobby and Family, and concluded that by practicing this they were to help conserve humanity. Nomi starts keeping a journal where she puts all her contributions to Art.
The manga will dive into details about Nomi's adventures as an expeditioner, relationship with the Indigo Unit and anomalies they uncover, and how those anomalies affect them. It will elaborate on her discoveries of the evolution of this dreamlike landscape and her discoveries in the evolution of her own bionic sentience and consciousness. If shes been organically made an programmed to carry out the desire of Spade Labs, why does she have this internal conflict? Why does she feel like there's more? Is there more?
I don't want to say too much but maybe that can get you excited about all the future concepts i have. ^^ Im currently working on the epilogue panels and plan to post them when they are finished and consistently update my progress.
Remember those expeditions and Art journal we talked about last section? I want to make a novel formatted as memo logs of Nomis poetry and art, pictures shes drawn and photographs shes taken, and craft logs and blueprints of all her creations. I pretty much want this to be a physical copy of her journal. I think it would be so exciting and interesting if instead of of having a reiterated story, there was instead a perspective and thoughts directly from the character.
There will be insert from her memory log sharing moments and dialouge in cybernetic style. It will show her digipedia, showing all the data shes collected and how it is stored, also giving insight to the detail of the world and organism. There will also be her fashion log, showing blueprint, material, and stats for specific items.
The Last part of project is a immersive open-world MMORPG video game following the story line of Nomi. The video game will have a 2d cgi art style and allow enjoyers to immerse themselves in the world and story. There will be two modes, Story mode and Adventure mode, where players will be able to roam, explore, and survive freely , craft a multitude of object and interact with other players. Story mode will be a private solo role play mode where you complete man objectives related to the point in the story line you have reached, Adventure mode will allow players to work in nomis shop in the future and create their own online character to travel the city, craft items, and complete hidden objectives all around the world.
I'm currently learning Html/CSS/Java and want to learn c#. I hope to make art soon for layout templates and meshes. I will also make a public technical Documentation page as I work on this project where you can see all the information I've been making about the world and the concept ideas I have created.
This is a project I have been working so hard on and would love to hear feedback, but please keep any negative comments to yourself, Stay stellar!!
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