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Category: Friends

hi i need friends

me accept anyone so there are NO LIMITS (~^ __ ^) especially if you like horror, analog, junji ito, gore or other horror stuff!! unless you're a pedo who loves to add minor then its a BIG NO. go fucking awayy creep

me also obsessed w lain, bcus she's different from other anime typa girls n her unique personality include lain story background like DANG that makes me watch the anime over n over XDD. but usually i prefer anime girl from 2000s than now 


besides horror anime/or from the 2000s, I also like anime that is comfortable, cozy and has a good story with eye-pleasing graphics LIKE GHIBLI ARGHHH. my lazy ass literally watch all hayao miyazaki anime in just 2 - 3 days It's a shame there is no new stuff from him, cuz hayao is a really cool person and i'm here admire him asf, but now i'm trying to find a good story and eye-pleasing graphics similar to ghibli /sad (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)

enough yapping loll, anywayy like i SAIDD if any of u want to be friends w a sigma like me js add HEHEHEHE (bcs i also nd friends who hv the same interest:33) don't b shy to dms me, BUT today i'm busy busy af so sorry if i take too long to respond. have a good day folks !! 

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Tykasa Jupiter !

Tykasa Jupiter !'s profile picture

CAN WE BE FRIENDS? I really need to make more friends here also I really like horror, I'm a horror freak myself XD

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yupp sure !! its kind of hard to find frenz who also like analog/horror thingy here:<

by lainlainlain; ; Report