Secondhand sites advice

First blog so idk how it works so I'll just ask advice

I'm like looking for the lalaloopsy Haley Galaxy, but besides seeing her atm for 173 euro on eBay + over 50 euro shipping I can't find her anywhere, I check vinted, Ebay and depop a few times a day, and I've been searching her for over a month but just can't find her for a affordable price :,(

My budget for her would probably be around 50 euro if she's like complete with pet, small chance of getting her yeah, but I've seen listing's of her for 40 euro but that was from the US and I live in Europe so shipping gets quite expensive. But yeah does anyone know any good secondhand site in Europe that could have her for a okayish price?

Hope you have a lovely day! :)

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Danni⁑Brie's profile picture

I'm not European but I used to collect AG dolls. I would generally buy them off Mercari for fair pricing.

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