yes you red that subject line right becuase it is RIGHT!!1! real boys are so icky comapred to the absolute beauty of anime boys!! especially boys that kiss other boys.. eek i feel my nose starting to bleed at the thoght ( 〃▽〃) but some in the real world are.. ok.,. and even cute... liek this one guy whos in my math class, im so happy im one of his only friends! tehe.. uhm u guyds didnt hear that from me ╭( ๐ _๐)╮ THATS TOO MUCH INFORMATION! anywaaayss besides maybe 2..,,. ALL NONFICTION GUYS SUCK!! theyre sweaty and talk too loud and have the worst acne its a total barffest i get suuuuper squeamish.. theres this oine guy especially who gives me the creeps, not ganna name names to be nice, but hes everything wrong abt real boys. hes got this suuupper pimpled face and is probs greasy to teh touch, hes got the worse cut eva and thinks a red hat can cover all that junk!!1! not to mention he reminds me of my oniisan wit how he likes the ickyest stuff wit bloods n gore and EUGH I HATE HIM!! him and oniisan could get along so well they could be in their own doujin.. AND I WOULDNT EVEN READ IT!!1! THATS HOW MUCH I HATE HIM!!! i wish he could look at least like that other guy with the green sweater who is totes cute but thats 4 another day. uh but anyways thats it for now.. baaii my fujo sisters and brothers!!
- sakura
Displaying 20 of 49 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
I get what youre saying but at the same time would those fictional men actually be good partners? Like take Sukuna for example—everyone luvs him because hes strong and has that charm but if you were actually ”close” to him he’d probably end up killing you. I see the appeal but in real life Im not sure that would be great. Not saying all fictional guys are like that but a lot of the popular ones definitely have that darker side... like in real life with guys.
I get what youre saying but at the same time would those fictional men actually be good partners? Like take Sukuna for example—everyone luvs him because hes strong and has that charm but if you were actually ”close” to him he’d probably end up killing you. I see the appeal but in real life Im not sure that would be great. Not saying all fictional guys are like that but a lot of the popular ones definitely have that darker side... like in real life with guys.
wtf? hoping this is satire lmao
This seems like a copypasta, cool. If it isn't, I'm a bit afraid of you.
i think i might b the opposite of u ROFL. i laik ugly sadsack losers unfortunately... yet i ALSO like prettier guys. not like i could get one sighhh
Estoy deacuerdo, la mayoría de hombres reales no son tan buenos, siempre resúltan ser groseros ( `Å´), aunque aún mantengo la esperanza de encontrarme con un buen hombre
you're so real for this diva LMAO
next bit plz i'm tired of this one
You called?
by bit*; ; Report
I completely agree LOL
Princess Candy˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ︎
I love both myself LOL Fictional men are cool
I actually couldn't tell this was satire at first, what a website
by .xoxg.; ; Report
Real but the people saying same in the comments
by Haremyy; ; Report
iasmin o.
I agree, I have something similar but not with anime. But all my celebrity crushes have such a specific beauty that I hardly find a boy w one of these features and this features are not even that peculiar. Pls boys, be more pretty!! X-<
We know baby 🫂
❥ antwke
lmao W ragebait actually has ppl seething in replies
concordo super,tipo mano,os mlk de hj sao tudo bost4 ja tipo...o law me trataria super bem <# xd
concordo super,tipo mano,os mlk de hj sao tudo bost4 ja tipo...o law me trataria super bem <# xd
Emi <3
I kinda agree. Well on the fictional men part. Some fictional men may be a red flags, but idc, since they can't hurt me through the screen. I also create my own oc's xD
REAL ^o^
''how can i objectify gay men in this
ur phighting pfp is so fire B)
by PixieKannibal; ; Report
TYYYY I love skate sm^_^
by ASH / FELIX ⚣(JOIN SERVER); ; Report
𓈒 ᛝ Rouella ⟡
I hope i dont get called chronically online but i feel like irl man r like red flags whilr fictional man are like green flags