🌷solitaire:chapter nine🌷

For starters, I apologise for starting my first ever blog at chapter nine, I had already started the book prior to making my blog and am too lazy to re-read the start. My name is Faeriemon and I am a college student perfecting my grades to start A-Levels so that I can have an easier path into a top university rather than finishing my diploma. While reading this book I will tell you my thoughts on each chapter, and I will take part in any mentioned books, media or activity where possible to write my thoughts on each in separate blogs (these points will be highlighted to make it esier for you to locate the aforementioned blog posts.

⚠️!warning! Spoilers⚠️

Gathering :

“Zelda ,her prefects ,the nominated helpers, and even old Kent are in the hall”gathered there to find the perpetrators of various pranks played on the school by “solitaire” before they take out another prank on the school. Zelda who is leading the search is described to be wearing “leggings and running shoes” inside the chilly school exasperating her insistence in acting way too seriously about this and intends to extend her full strength in looking about the school, this is thurther emphasised in her speach when she says “Todays the day were catching them” like, she is acting as though they’ve put anh effort into this before (which they haven’t) she then goes on to speak to each individual who was forced into the search, finally reaching Victoria our main character she tells her that she will be looking in the IT corridor, I find this funny and relevant because that is where tori and Michael Holden (tori’s new acquaintance) first discovered the solitaire blog before the rest of the school.

The search:

Tori states that everything in the IT corridor is “still. Serene.[has]no air conditioner. [like] … walking through a freeze frame” and I don’t know about you but that makes me Absoluitly terrified, if I was in that situation I would be clutching my phone and checking my surroundings every few seconds. After doing nothing she checks the clock and it’s 7:16AM and she has left than an hour to return to the meet up point. Tori isn’t putting much effort into searching as she spins in a chair until she can hear the “a distant sound of the windows jingle” playing down the hall. She enters the corridor and looks in both directions to see the corridor stretch into darkness putting more emphasis in the creepiness of the situation and how Absoluitly terrified I would be. But of course this girl has an iron heart (my hero) she eventually sees a hazy glow coming from room C13 and once she enters the room the door closes and locks behind her, she is left alone in an eerie room staring at a lit projector. May I remind you that this is not a horror ??? Because I need reminding!

Alone and afraid:

The projector shows an open words page that tori can only think to be the work of a friend playing a stupid joke on her, or solitaire.the word page starts to display someone typing “solitaire is a friendly neighbourhood watch” witch they aren’t because they are the ones who the school has created a watch team to find. “Targeting the most common cause of teenage anxiety” also, not what is going on, because if I was forced to sit in all of my classes and listen to the same song playing on repeat, that! Would give me anxiety! And finally that “school need not be a place of … stress and isolation” again forcing me to repeat the statement that listening to the same song over and over while also needing to study and work would cause me more stress and make me want to keep isolated from the sound. The next paragraph is just tori going on about how she is not freaking out, but in that paragraph (and it’s a small paragraph” she says “freak out” 3 times, I think she might be freaking out. And yet this the projector indicates an 8 year old girl playing the violin, tori thinks this is solitaire way of being intellectual and that to me is funny because it’s true. And only then alone in the room and with a creepy projector she states “I want to cry out but I don’t. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do.” And all I can think in this moment is that she should have freaked out sooner 😂 after finally realising her situation she knows she needs to call someone but remembers she threw away Zelda’s number, so her only other option is Michael! She calls him and instead of explaining the situation she asks him if he is real, but he has a calm and happy reaction to everything, which I think is a good nudge at their opposition to eachother.

Freedom at last:

Before letting Tori out of the room Michael asks her to do him one favour, of course tori finds this ridiculous, he asked her to “smile” and Tori is astonished at this demand for her freedom. Michael then explains “ if you prove to me that you have the capacity to smile, then I will believe you are a human being” this although fair as she had asked him if he was real, still seemed a little rude to me. But Michael is my favourite character in this whole book! And then…(dramatic pause) “so I smile” she smiled for him!!!! And he has the audacity to point out that it took too much effort 🤦🏻‍♀️ moving on! Michael releases her from the horror story that was that room and blocks her once more with wide eyes to ask “why were you locked in an IT room” he was worried about her!!!! I could shed a tear, from rude to Prince Charming in an instant!! And she looks away because she is probably wondering why he cares and over analysing it (or maybe I’m over analysing this whole chapter?) Michael then asks tori what the words page said and “what was in the video” he goes through it all and suggests they watch the video and this man full of questions asks her “you thought this was just something stupid?” To which tori explains she knows how to play the violin ( I can’t play the violin so I will practice the piano instead) that makes me think that the video was directly targeted at her. Michael says “you know, I think they’ve hacked the entire school. That’s Absoluitly outstanding” and this just made me think, I would say the exact same thing because these people must be genuinely smart to pull off such a stunt and that would make me feel amazed.in his own amazement Michael checks their blog and of course, there was another post timed 00:30 that states “the first solitaire meet-up with take place on Thursday” and this made me personally think about how they will avoid being recognised and that this will probably end up being a normal house party arrangement

Detective work:

Michael is quite a bit exited about this discovery and takes it soon himself to become his own head detective in this scenario he tells tori to “be exited” as-well, to which the conversation turns to tori asking “can you imagine me being exited about anything” and the answer from him is “yes i can actually” !! How? How can you? I can’t! But before this Michael makes the statement “the solitaire investigation! We have made a significant leap forward here” and although this is the answer to a question, It shows us just how hyped he is about this, despite seemingly having quite a fun life already it seems this “investigation” has given him more to think about and be happy for in his day to day life. This is thurther suggested when he tells tori that they are “going to their meet-up” for some investigating that tori probably wants no part in. But Michael suggests treating is like a Sherlock Holmes’s novel I am exited to read this as I love Sherlock Holmes and then he says “the BBC Sherlock Holmes is infinitely better than all other versions”so guess who’s going to be watching that tomorrow morning! They exit the classroom and Zelda runs up shouting “tori” with the energy of someone who wakes up at 6:00 to go jogging” which is unsurprising to me and very in character! Tori lies to her saying they did not find anything and then she finds out that Michael has once again vanished, this book is not a fanfics so he is quite real, making it odd to me that with the type of person Michael is, he would vanish into thin air so often.

Finally: I am sorry that I was unable to highlight what I would be working on in this post, it was such a pain and it kept deleting the highlights and colours I had added so once it deleted it the final time I gave up haha. I think I’m just going to use words next and see how that works.

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