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Category: Blogging

about me

Hi, I thought I'd do a genuine about me since I rarely reveal anything about myself on the internet. This time around I'm trying to find like-minded people and more friends. 

My name is Valentine but you can call me Val or V, doesn't matter. I am 19 years old, born and raised in Tennessee. I am proud of my southern heritage and will find it annoying if you stereotype or insult southerners around me. I am very invested in the history and culture of the southern US, especially the Appalachian south, confederacy, and also Louisiana culture (especially rural Mardi gras traditions.) 

My views on politics are mostly leftist, although I do have some more "conservative" ideals here and there. I agree with Anarchism, anti-natalism, anti-censorship, right to bear arms, distrust of all authority, etc. I will not be getting into debates about any political topics because I simply do not have the desire to, so anybody trying to debate me will be ignored. But, just know that I am tolerant of most political views as long as they are not downright Nazism or any infringement of human rights. I also will not tolerate misogyny in any form.

I like a lot of different music such as slam, thrash, goregrind, death metal,industrial, industrial metal, grindcore, sludge, dbeat, crust punk, and some hardcore (although my brother likes hardcore more than me.) Bands I like are on my profile. 

I have many other interests--they're on my profile, but I'll state the main ones here. WW1, Vietnam War, War on Terror, child soldiers, 9/11, post 9/11 American politics, terrorism in general, school violence. Video games like COD and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 (many other games but I play those the most.)

I consider myself a very quiet, paranoid person so I apologize if I'm hard to talk to. I have ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and struggle to express my emotions at times. I also tend to make fucked up jokes but nothing really uncomfortable or offensive. I'd like to meet someone to play games with, I'm down for any games ngl.  

Only boundaries are don't try to make me paranoid, don't make fun of my heritage, don't be a Nazi.

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