I’ve been seeing a lot of people get pissy about the 6arely human, TX2, Kandi kid, Jake and Johnnie individuals. While some of this hatred and anger is absolutely justified some of it is fucking stupid. A lot of people who fall under the category of tik tok alt are fairly young and are often just experimenting with and/or getting into subculture. Many of them will most likely grow out of it within a couple months maybe even within a year or so but that doesn’t mean that people need to shit on them all the time. Some of these kids who are genuinely interested in subculture and want to learn more about it may just need someone to educate them on subculture rather than shame them for not understanding it or not being *insert subculture here* enough. I also believe that many (if not every) alternative person goes through a phase where they want to dress out and don’t know how to DIY yet so they buy whatever shit they can get their hands on that matches the look that they want. I think a lot of these people need better and further education on subculture and need more people to teach them things like DIY, give them music recommendations, help them figure out how to get involved in their local scene, and just overall help them find their footing in the subculture rather than shame them for having as much knowledge as you do. While there are definitely posers (I am not denying that at all because I know it’s true and I’ve literally had people argue with me that alt subcultures aren’t based on music and politics) I feel like a lot of the hate towards the tik tok alt kids isn’t justified especially since many of them are young and many of them will likely grow out of it soon anyways.

Rant about alternative subculture.
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A lot of the time, anyone who falls under the 'tiktok alt' term doesn't actually care about the subculture, and just wants to be apart of an aesthetic. Honestly, it's really not hard to learn about a subculture, it's bands or it's purpose. Google exists and it takes half a second to type out 'metal bands', 'goth bands', 'emo bands'. Obviously these people/nobody deserves to be bullied online. But everytime I see one, they always listen to the EXACT SAME bands, like the ones you listed, plus like Korn, Slipknot, and System. A lot of these people don't actually care about the subcultures they claim to be in because to them it's just an aesthetic.
The trend of being 'alternative' has completely ruined the modern definition of subcultures. Of course a lot of these people are kids and probably just want to be apart something, but it's been a few years now. You think some of them would try deviating from the aesthetic(eg, listening to literally any other band, or exploring the subculture they want to be apart of).