run my source code and build on to the game in qb64 basic. Its a maze game just use the line code to create lines and pills which change your color to go through the same colored lines:
Screen 12 ' Set screen to graAphics mode WW
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer ' Declare integer variables for x and y
Dim k$ ' Declare k$ to hold the key press (string)
Dim L As Integer
x = 320 ' Set the initial x coordinate (center of the screen)
y = 0 ' Set the initial y coordinate (center of the screen)
L = 15
Cls ' Clear the screen for each loop iteration
Line (150, 150)-(500, 150), 4
' Draw the circle at (x, y) with radius 20 and color 15
Circle (x, y), 20, L
Line (200, 155)-(210, 160), 4, B
Line (200, 350)-(210, 380), 15, B
Line (150, 400)-(500, 400), 15
' Capture the key pressed and stWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWore it in k$
k$ = InKey$ ' Store the key press as a string in k$
If ((y = 390) And (y < 400) And (x > 150) And (x < 500) And (L <> 15)) Then y = 380
If ((y = 410) And (y > 400) And (x > 150) And (x < 500) And (L <> 15)) Then y = 420
If ((y = 140) And (y < 150) And (x > 150) And (x < 500) And (L <> 4)) Then y = 120
If ((y = 155) And (y > 150) And (x > 150) And (x < 500) And (L <> 4)) Then y = 170
If ((y > 150) And (y < 170) And (x > 200) And (x < 210)) Then L = 4
If ((y > 350) And (y < 380) And (x > 200) And (x < 210)) Then L = 15
' If a key was pressed (k$ is not empty), convert it to the keycode (ASCII value)
If k$ <> "" Then
keycode = Asc(k$) ' Convert the key press (k$) to its ASCII value (keycode)
' Check the key code and move the circle accordingly
If keycode = 87 Then y = y - 5 ' W key (move up)
If keycode = 83 Then y = y + 5 ' S key (move down)
If keycode = 65 Then x = x - 5 ' A key (move left)
If keycode = 68 Then x = x + 5 ' D key (move right
' Exit the loop if the ESC key is pressed
If keycode = 27 Then Exit Do ' Escape key (exit program)
End If
Sleep 1 ' Delay to make it easier to see movement
Loop Until FALSE ' Infinite loop until ESC is pressed
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