I've been interested in this creator's story for a bit now called Toon x Mobster, and I'd like to shed light on it on SpaceHey! I haven't even been reading the story much, but I was introduced to it through that YouTube Posts feature, and I love the two main characters and just the overall concept of the story.
To brief, the story follows two characters that come from different Genres, in which they meet each other in an alleyway while one was severely injured and the other took that character in to care for him. I only read chapters 1 and 2 so far, but I've learned a bit from the Posts. I'll link the creator's Twitter page and YouTube page respectively.
I think what draws me into this story so much other than the concept is that I kind of relate the two characters from different Genres to my own two paras. One of my paras is a lot more fledged-out in terms of design, so I typically think of him appearing more realistic, like Gavriel from TxM, while on the other side, I haven't thought of my other para for as long as my first, so I typically think of him appearing more toonish, like Jack from TxM.
Anyway, just wanted to dump that information out there. Go check Black Kat out! ^_^
Drawing below was made by the story's creator, not me
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