Clint Eastwood or Harrison ford were def my gay and trans awakening growing up. Like I def was thinking "hes so me" and also "I want to kiss him on the mouth" every time i saw either actor.
I've had a pretty intense resurgence in enjoying actors and media I liked as a kid. This whole social media kick has sorta aged me I supposed. Ever since I stopped using mainstream socials 5-6ish years ago I've kinda just been stuck in my own era lol. Supernatural, Star Trek, Hogans Heroes, Gunsmoke, and more.
I like it, I feel a bit out of touch sometimes but It's not so bad. My peers in college look at me funny when I say my fave movie is Jurassic Park and show is Star Trek TNG.
I also officially don't understand all the new slang coming out. wow. nature is healing.
anyways Clint Eastwood been on my mind a lot. obviously. Idk to me he's kinda like Jerma, my straight cis queer and trans icon.
I like the character's he plays, also he kinda stands a little zesty. Thinkin about specifically that scene in Magnum Force where he's in the red shirt and he's standing like real zesty like. I'll put a pic in if i can find one wait...
It's not this shot exactly buy he does kinda stand like a fag when he shoots and I live for that.
I think I am deeply mischaracterizing every character Clint plays but honestly that's chill and fine with me, I just think his characters are nonchalant and chill as hell with queer people if you ask me. Bro don't care as long as you get the damn job done <3
Not sure where I'm going with this blog. Just kinda wanted to info dump lol, autism does that to a mf. Talk to ya later guys!
much love,
a wolf on the web
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