hello again blog !! today was a wonderful day.
i had to dance again for p.e >__</ usually i would say its fun but i forgot a lot of the moves. thats okay though! it wasn't graded anywayss.
when i got home from school today my laptop kinda died on me ;~~~:. im hoping it can get fixed, but its kinda old. im posting this from my home computer LOLSIES.
today i was told that i might be dorming soon!! not soon as in next week but sometimes in the future. i hope this is true. ive always dreamed of owning a space for myself. maybe this will force me to become more responsible :P
i also realized that this month is going to be a very very VERY heavy month. this weekend i have a party, then next weekend i have to study for more exams, THEN THE WEEK AFTER THAT i have finals, then im attending a prom >O<. LOL
i should get back to studying again . byebye blog!!
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