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Category: Life

I've matured...right?

About 5 years ago, I made what I thought was a harmless joke about my little sister & one of my younger cousins drawing on their eyebrows. (well they were really just filling them in, not drawing the full brow on but anyway) The joke was like "I'm coming after all you drawn on eyebrow chicks with a watergun this summer." My sister in law actually tagged me in it because she knew about my little sister & cousin filling in their eyebrows. I thought for sure that my little sister would get mad at me but surprisingly she didn't, it was our cousin. Now this cousin was very close to both my little sister & me, we all hung out alot as kids but even more as teenagers & like I said became very close.
Immediately this cousin goes on the defensive once she sees what I tagged her in. Her first comment on the post was "My eyebrows are real bitch." I mean technically she wasn't wrong but with the way she filled in her eyebrows they LOOKED fake soooo. This cousin has always had thick eyebrows so I felt like her filling them in was already pointless. She needed them shaped, not filled in but she wouldn't listen to anyone & kept filling them in. Like I said, I didn't think she'd take the joke that hard but I do have to say what I replied to her on the post... I'm 100% sure I went too far 😬😅
So like I said she said "My eyebrows are real bitch," & being the petty bitch I am, I took her most recent photo, cropped just her face so you could see her eyebrows real good, then commented the picture with "Are you sure?" Well of course that absolutely enraged her & she went off on me & my little sister. Both of us stoped talking to her & haven't talked to her since.
Well that is until a couple months ago. You see there was another friend of mine & my little sister's that stopped talking to us as well around the same time but it was because of an issue between her & my little sister, something I was literally never involved in. Anyway this friend, we'll call her E, got ahold of me just to see how I was doing. We talked, she told me she didn't want to stop being friends with me & our family back then she was just so mad cuz she felt like my little sister was inconsiderate of her feelings & she just wanted to separate herself from that friendship. I fully understood & told E I was happy that she reached out because I always loved hanging out with her when we were younger. We talked some more & I told her I had forgiven another friend, K (who was a mutual friend of us both), for being a bitch to me back in the day over a pack of cigarettes. E told me she thought it was really good that I wanted to make amends with K cuz she always thought we'd never talk again. Then it hit me, I can make up with 2 friends who I felt I would never be able to make amends with maybe it was time to make amends with my own cousin. So I tried to add her on Facebook again, no response. After a couple months, I was told by a family member that she doesn't really use Facebook anymore so I decided to just shoot her a message the other day with my phone number simply saying "Hey my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx if you want to get ahold of me."
This morning I get a reply.
"LMAO I hope this was a 'mass message' sent to multiple people because why would I ever want to get ahold of someone I haven't talked to in years 😅😅"
At first it really did piss me off cuz (A) she used to like & comment on my instagram photos after this all happened & at the time I didn't block her or anything cuz it was after the situation but not right after so I was over it & (B) I felt like she was TRYING to hurt my feelings with that message. 
So I simply replied back,
"It wasn't & okay then 🤷🏻‍♀️ It really doesn't matter to me, I just figured I'd reach out to you & see how you were doing cuz I've gotten older & more mature since I made that joke a few years back, but obviously you don't want to talk to me & that's perfectly fine."
I really wanted to lay into her honestly. Tell her she has worst narcissism than my narcissistic aunt, tell her she's always thought she's hot shit but really she's not shit, ask her if she stopped giving herself caterpillar eyebrows, I wanted to do anything to hurt her & I partially still do cuz I made myself vunerable to somewhat apologize for something I already feel like I shouldn't have to apologize for. I should've listened to my little sister when she told me this cousin was a lost cause 🤦🏻‍♀️
I've decided if she replies back to me, I'm going to just block her. I felt like it was time to make a couple of petty things right but of course one last petty issue won't get resolved. I honestly didn't care if we got close again or anything I literally just wanted to fix things because I just felt like it was time to leave petty shit behind but I'm also not gonna stop being petty about it if she's not 🤷🏻‍♀️
Y'all, this chick filled in her huge ass eyebrows so much that it literally looked like she had 2 big ass bleep bars on her forehead.
The way this chick filled in her eyebrows made it look like she took two piece of electrical tape, slapped them over her eyebrows & called it good.
Stg, all the homeless in the country could've crawled up under her damn eyebrows & used it as a massive shelter.
Okay I'll stop now 😅
My point is, over the last 3 years, in particular, I've really been trying to make an effort to better myself mentally & sometimes I forget not everyone is doing that for themselves. In reality, this situation did get me down a little, mostly cuz again I didn't feel like she deserved the apology in the first place & part of me REALLY wants to tell her that but I'm gonna bite my tongue & go furiously clean my house because I've matured...right?

0 Kudos


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