Extended Intro

I'm Vriska/フリスカ. I'm Japanese-American and radqueer. What's a radqueer? Someone who 8elieves that what other people do isn't their 8usiness, to an extreme degree. If I explain it more I'll get taken down 8ecause SpaceHey h8s radqueers. I'm also transage, transa8led, transseveritism, and a paraphile. What do all these words mean? Transage just means my internal age doesn't line up with my 8ody. For me, I'm fourteen while my 8ody is seventeen. Transa8led is the same concept 8ut with a disa8ility. I personally 8elieve I should 8e 8lind in my left eye, and I plan to resolve it. Transseveritism just means I want my autism to 8e more severe. Why? Invalidation and 8ullying. And lastly, paraphile. Think of other words that end in -phile. That's what a paraphilia is, an a8normal attraction. I'm personally a somnophile and others. DM me to talk a8out any of my identities more!

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