soapu 's profile picture

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Category: Life

Log : 250225

hello blog! woah, im back on spacehey.

school has been really rough, my uni application results got delayed for the nth time. seriously, its like they don't want us at that school 

oh well, here's whats happening now:

i decided to stop competing in model un conferences. i mean i'll still judge, but im done. i want to fully devote my time to my studies atm since i feel like my grades have been tanking. but i still like to indulge myself in my other bajillion hobbies, one of them being music.

oh yeah, im in a band now. were called kickouts (lowercase). we chose the name at a whim, but at our first rehearsal we actually got kicked out of the rehearsal room lol. at least the name has a meaning. 

hopefully i get to make new friends here. i still feel kinda shy posting actual stuff on here, bleeehhhh. ive been procrastinating the whole morning working on this gosh darn website. i hate html coding. but since im done, ill go back to actually working. byebye blog :L

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( >␣o)

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