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Category: Blogging

about me


i don't actually have Dyslexia (i had to google how to spell it and copy-pasted it has nothing to do with if i actually have it or not shut up i know 3 languages but also 0 but if you count a2 level then i know like 5 maybe i dont think a dyslexic could learn even one other foreign lanuage.) and i can talk like a normal person! sometimes. not always. i will never ever prefer to talk like a normal person on this site though pls dont make me.

also i am not actually a dog. i just want that to be out here. and actually. and this might be relevant. i am a cat person. this is really hard to confess on here. sorry. i love doggies too. hell yeah doggies! but cats are better. also im not a furry. in order to be a furry one must have fur. i haev onli skelly.

this is the only important part tbh. because this started to bother me and this is also the only reason i am blogging about myself is that i am 21 (gonna be 22 this year in august if nothing comes up) and there is a shit ton of minors on this site so i don't really feel comfortable adding them but i am also not here to make friends or anything im just having fun. in these 2 whole years i have sent maybe 20 instant messages to 5 people. plus even if i wanted to i dont think a dog skeletons could get any girls. or could it? im not gonna be the one to try it sorry. plus i only log in like for a week every year once i remember this site exists so yea

also im a girl and i use she/her pronouns but u can call woof anything tbh. it became my persona on here i guess. its like a different entitiy. no one can understand it. it is the only thing that exists. so call it however you please. also i wont ever post personal information about myself either not really comfortable with that. also how the fuck is entity spelled? i guess it's spelled like that. doesnt have the red lines on the bottom now. cool

there isnt anything on my profile or bulletins or comments that would hurt a minor. i will never post anything sexual which is kind of fitting because i am woof. what the fuck could i post that is sexual o? a dog skeleton in a werid position maybe? i might actually post that if i ever see it though that sounds weird. but also i dont think it exists so i think yall are good

i am literally just here to comment on bulletins and publish some silly blog entries and just comment on everything as a dog skeleton so i can look at them a year later and be reminded that im awesome. well not the bulletins. they go away really quick. which sucks. but also it feels easier to post bulletins. i should definitely blog more though.

also i add a lot of people. i feel like this used to be the norm 2 years ago but maybe not anymore? im not actually sure but yea. its only to see more bulletins and blog entries so woof can have a say in it. if you dont want woof aorund you can jsut unadd me no hard feelings.

i say also a lot

feels good to get that out of the way ! i can now keep on wooofin thankx

8 Kudos


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megabug.web's profile picture

u seem really rad! very cool! woof!!

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by woof; ; Report


carol's profile picture

was about to ask if you are dyslexic lol

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BHAHAHAHAHHA no but yea for some odd reason its really fun to text like u just woke up from a 72 hour sleep and decided to pose as a dog skeleton that learned how to write by itself and using its skelly paws to do so

by woof; ; Report

it really seems fun. never change.

by carol; ; Report

aww thats such a sweet thing to say

by woof; ; Report


Apollo's profile picture

luv woof :) woof 4 evr

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by woof; ; Report


cilica's profile picture

lesgooooooo, lov u woof

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les goeeee !!!!!!! woof lov more !

by woof; ; Report


by cilica; ; Report


by cilica; ; Report