.eima's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

The Editing Saga

i posted a bulletin about this, but for longevity's sake i figure i should probably make a blog post about this. 

while the nostalgia factor is high with spacehey, i will say i had no idea i would also be reliving some basic coding woes (this is by no means a criticism. there's no way i'd be capable of developing this entire website and promoting it well enough for it to even potentially take off. much less pretty much independently).

for starters, i'm encountering a bug wherein it doesn't matter what changes i try to make, once i press that 'save' button to update my profile, any changes within the interests fields will revert back immediately to their presave state. am i proud of how many times i rewrote entire panels of content before i realised that until i figured out why this was happening, it was probably for the best if i only made minor changes? no. will i openly admit to the fact that sometimes i make flawed choices and don't think ahead? yes. 

initially i thought that the cause of it was possibly something in the coding for the layout i currently use (this one, by runningfromlionz) but upon investigation i realised that i don't know even a tenth of the html i thought i did (truly it was humbling). so, since i lack the technical and practical knowledge to pick it apart with a fine tooth comb, i went with the more nuclear option of removing it completely and saving.

that worked. fantastic

except, that's about the only thing that worked. even after pulling my layout, saving it, and then trying to edit the interest fields i faced the exact same issue. by now I had swapped to having a wordpad document open with any changes i wanted to make written there for copy/paste purposes (press f to show respect for the people too broke to afford word, i miss you spellcheck). after several copy and paste attempts to literally change purely the text within the fields, i think i began losing my grip on reality, because the next thing i tried was to insert basic scroll boxes and some images.

imagine my complete shock when instead of reverting back to their pre-save state, they reverted back to what i had written in them before this bug started occuring. i felt like even if it was a step backwards, it could have been progress, so i decided to throw reason to the wind and insert the plain text, no css, nothing fancy, no tomfoolery list of things i enjoy into the music field and press save.

it immediately reverted to the state it was in (and currently is still in) when i first began trying to save it. 

at this point i had basically lost all sense of common sense (and patience) so i decided to do what anybody who was precisely exactly me would do in response: i tried to just erase everything and see if a clean slate of sorts would fix it. 

no. it didn't erase anything. 

yes. i am still working on this. 

no i don't have a clue what's happening, who to talk to, or how to change or fix this. 

if you have any ideas please feel free to let me know.

7 Kudos


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