New Week ♡ What to do? Blog #4

First of all, Happy Monday! (Even though the first day of the week isn't the best). Wishing you all a good week!✨

I've already finished re-playing Fire Emblem Awakening and now I'll give Pokemon Alpha Sapphire a try now! I also have goals for myself to keep me somewhat active🐞

♡ Do a bit more self-care. Whether it's watching my favorite shows or drawing something that make me happy (I've been meaning to get out of art block). Even learning breathing exercises!

♡ Be a little more brave and confident. Despite my social anxiety, I'd really like to open up a bit more and not hide under a rock all the time (but it's easier said than done).

♡ Write more blogs! If something happened, whether fun or boring, I'd like to post it up here. Kinda like a virtual diary and perhaps someone could relate to some of these things.

That's pretty much it! Not too overwhelming but enough to feel like I can do it. Sending good vibes your way.

Bye bye!🐢

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