Trying to Getting off on Facebook and Twitter and bring my friends

Ok now being on this site for more than a week I will say its a good safe haven for me to fall back onto after a long day or bombarded with stupidity on Twitter and Political Dribble on Facebook. Yes I still do from time to time engage with people on Facebook and Twitter on drama or political stuff but honestly I want to go back to a time where that wasnt a thing. Where the biggest arguments I got into back in 2006 with friends on MySpace and Deviantart was about our favourite anime characters or Favourite band.

Hopefully I can get more of my friends onto SpaceHey

on more good News. I started making music again. so hopefully I'll have some music out for you guys to listen to soon its been like 2 years 🖤🖤🖤

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andrew covell

andrew covell's profile picture

i do't think i'd reccomend getting rid of twitter and facebook till you've managed to find at least half of your friend from those platforms here mostly as a means to help promote it instead of ranting on facebook make blog posts here and share them that type of thing

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not really getting rid of either. My Twitter honestly is just there to follow Youtubers and other Fellow Artist I like and Porn.

I barely have 150 followers and ive been on there for over a year now. engagement is shit on there. unless its drama related my art dont get seen by anyone.

Facebook on the other hand. I've been on there since 2011 honest mistake leaving MySpace its shit its creepy only reason I stay is because I have friends on there. but a lot of them are starting to leave for other platforms im trying to get more onto SpaceHey and messaging apps like telegram which a lot of them are already on.

all honesty since I created this account on here just browsing talking with random people and just turning off my brain away from both facebook and twitter has been therapeutic for me. my mental state actually started improving since I kinda slightly moved my life on here.

I dont have too much on a constant need to check my phone every 10 minutes for stuff on FB and Twitter. I just live my life and check up on Spacehey every few hours after doing other stuff other than be online all day.

by ✯xX_d34dbunn1_Xx✯; ; Report