Before you draw the thin line across your skin wait.
Wait for some semblance of clarity,
The divine intervention in which hope brings about peace,
A calm for which is so coveted that one could only dream of achieving,
Yet you do and will.
Remember all the times you used to smile,
Used to let the warm rays of sun hit your face,
The gentle breeze flow through your hair and just wait.
Remember through all the hardships,
What brought you through and gave you hope,
A sense of confidence that everything would be okay,
Remember that it was love.
But only for a moment if love is nothing more than a representation for transgression of time,
Then what is acceptance and longevity.
Because if not for the happy feeling you gain when you forgive another and are forgiven,
You must remember that it was in fact love that brought you to rise,
To live another day and make it as far as you have until now.
Before you drag the blade across your beautiful skin wait.
Just one more minute won’t compare to the eternity you have taken to get to this moment,
Because even when time stands still you will remember your cat you must feed,
Your dog or other pets.
And what about the leftovers in the fridge you have yet to eat,
The remainder of the hygiene products left in the bathroom,
The unused paper in your journal as well as still to be finished eraser and pencils in your drawer,
The freshly opened bag of potato chips you need to finish on the counter?
Just wait.
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