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Debate Stories 001# What Happened at Yesterday's Final Clash 🤔

Government Whip/GW: Me

Deputy Opposition Leader/DOL: Other person


Parameters: *curfew generally begins 10 pm to 4 am*

The DOL: "If we set a curfew, then teenagers won't be able to buy their basic needs"

GW: said something along the lines of "Who the freak buys stuff at 10 pm to 4 am when ALL the shops are closed???" but in a polite manner.

For context:

From where I'm from, all shops are closed after 10 pm and they open at 9 am, so the moment he said that it felt like a slap in the face.

Like we prepared for this debate and he gave us a defense like that.

girl bye~~~

0 Kudos


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