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Category: Life

life? idk just some of my overthinking

Ok- since i dont have anyone else to annoy with this stuff im just going to do it here!°

 I actually think Life is so crazy! you get born, grow up, learn and die in the end. So.. what is the meaning of life? Like, no one really knows. But its so crazy and i also think that if we got born we should do whatever we want. I mean, what if no one else besides you really exists and you allways listen to Rules that are made up by not existing people you just see becouse you would go crazy if you were alone on earth... lol

Ok but fr, what if it true? what if all this really is ´Just a game`?
That would mean we could just do whatever and nobady cares because they dont exist.. 
Lets just do whatever we want from now on, becouse pleasing people that dont exist is kinda embarrisyng.. dont u think? 

Okok... thats it. and remember, *LIFE IS ONLY YOURS* :D

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