Today was so funny. It was the first warm day here in germany. I really like the weather it was perfect. I alsohad a cute fit :3 o we had 4 classes today and one class test. I think i got a b or a C but im not sure( i will uptade) and i was allowed to go at lunch time because of a ill teacher. So i asked my Bestie if we wanna spend time together and she said yes. YAY. So we drove to a youth club and chilled. A little boy came to us and asked us if we want to play pokemon with him. We aggred so he explaind the rules. Then we went home because we had a babysitter job with my besties sister. She is sooo adorable T-T. on our way home we passed by a field so we stepped on it. we walked over the WHOLE thing and found a river and a PERFECT picknic spod. In Sommer we defenetly going there more often. So then we played with her lil sister and then they had dinner so i went home. right now im writing this entrey (lol obvy). and im also waiting for my dinner. Chiken wings so i wanna keep myself short so
Bye love you all soooooo much
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