My partner and I went out to Burgerville for dinner tonite! I had chicken ztripz and lemonade and it waz really good <3
My partner haz been doing their own perzonal rankingz for fizh and chipz everywhere we've gone n ate, zo i decided why not ztart one of my own but for chicken ztripz? I uzually end up gravitating towardz them every time we go out to eat, zo it zeemed like a fun idea :D
>Here'z my rating for Burgerville'z Chicken ztripz<
Chicken - Savory, has a nice chicken flavor that isnt bland, seasoned really well. Crunchy but not mouth tearing. Breading is a teensy loose but it sticks really well 5/5
Fries (jojo's/'tato wedges) - Crunchy but not overly so, soft on the inside, evenly cooked and warm. Seasoned decently, good flavor. No weird dark bits. Similar to gas station kind, but way better quality 4/5
Sauce - Got two sauces; Garlic aoli and Ranch. Garlic aoli is creamy, kinda sweet but not overly so. Has a really nice garlic taste. Ranch, however, AWFUL. Its tastes like slightly sour milk and barely anything more. An affront to ranch everywhere. 4/5
Drink - Strawberry lemonade! Very tangy, sour but not eye-wateringly so. Has bits of yummy strawberry in it that clog the straw. 5/5
Average rating - 4.5/5
Price: 11.99
Would I buy it again? Highly likely!!
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