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Category: Writing and Poetry

project directory


ancientscrollslovepoems is an interactive digital poetry project created on twine. 

it combines high-fantasy elements and an RPG video game function to tell the story of an alchemist - an exploration of grief, rebirth, death, exhaustion, and executive dysfunction. through a series of poetry and visual art the world within ancientpoemslovescrolls is illuminated. the narrative follows an alchemist grieving the loss of her lover, delving into the darker arts of necromancy and pushing the limits of magic in order to bring her back to life.

all parts of ancientscrollslovepoems will be hosted on itch.io.

click here to be re-directed to the project website.

click here to visit my itch.io page.

violet bruising

a small collection of visual poetry that touches on themes of sexual assault, domestic abuse, and trauma.

click here to be re-directed to the project website.

poetry chapbooks

"midsummer spells"  is a micro-chapbook with a theme of summer, stars, love, and the nostalgia that makes up all three.

[untitled] - in the works is a book containing my visual poetry/art.


i have been working primarily on a queer high-fantasy novel titled "gilded thrones."

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