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Category: Blogging

I HATE that bitch Eve

So today I started my period, which not only gave me cramps but made me almost PASS OUT!!!

 So basically I've been at my grandparents house since Saturday and today I was supposed to go back and on the car ride there I was feeling a little hot so I took off my coat, didn't help, and I still felt bad. Also earlier I was having a weird cramp/stomach pains and they only intensified but still while I'm writing this haven't gone away. Nana, my grandma, stopped at Walmart to buy some shit and I was feeling a little funky before that but during check out I started passing out, it felt way to hot, I was seeing tv static, and I heard ringing in my ear. This doesn't happen very offend like the last time this happened was a year ago so, pretty sure it's like a mix of period hormones and heat. But after when we got back in the car to keep driving I was feeling horrible, I felt like wanted to vomit and really sleepy and still way to hot. We were meeting halfway with my mom in some plaza and the second I got in my mom's car I felt so much better so I don't know what that was about.


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spent 2 whole minutes trying to figure out who eve was but i think u meant EVE FROM THE BIBLE

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i though everyone would know...

by Cass-i; ; Report