My cinematic trauma

HEYYYYY GUYSSSS, I decided to start making blogs because I want to make larger posts and all that stuff, but I don't want the effort to be in vain because of the small duration of bulletins. Anyways, getting to the point:

One day, when I was 8, I was at the couch watching tv like usual and scrolling through all the channels I could see. I stopped in a Mexican channel called "Las Estrellas", but it wasn't for no reason, I decided to stay in the channel since I noticed a series I used to watch was playing, the classic mexican comedy called "El Chavo del 8".

I never saw the playing episode, it was already a few minutes in but I didn't really mind since there were going to be more episodes anyways. 

To clear some stuff out of the way, everyone lived in a poor and small indoor neighborhood where all the houses were next to each other.

After the first chapter finished, the second one started playing after the ad break. I remember the chapter being all normal, with the same old jokes that made 8 year old me burst into laughter, until a character, Don Ramón, told the main character, Chavo (Who was a poor kid who lived in a barrel inside that closed neighborhood), to ask Doña Clotilde if he could borrow her iron because his iron got stolen. Chavo starts saying it wasn't him, but Don Ramon starts being suspicious about Chavo, and thinks he stole it.

While Don Ramon goes to Doña Clotilde's house to borrow her iron, the thief enters the scene and reaches Doña Clotilde's iron from her window and steals it, ending up hiding the iron inside Chavo's barrel. Chavo goes to her barrel, and asks the thief, Mr. Hurtado, why is he leaving the neighbourhood, to which he answers that he doesn't like nosy children.

The thief was about to slap Chavo, but leaves the scene after Doña Clotilde and Don Ramon leave the house because, as I said, Doña Clotilde's iron was stolen. Chavo leaves the neighbourhood after talking with Don Ramon for a bit and, when Chavo is gone, Quico (Another kid) leaves his house in search of Chavo.

Quico asked where Chavo is but, after not getting answers, he looks for him in his barrel, only to found Doña Clotilde's iron in there. At this point it was very clear where things were going, but I never imagined what came next.

Chavo entered the neighbourhood and asks Quico if he wants to play detectives with him, receiving nothing but a dissapointed stare from Quico, Don Ramon and Doña Florinda. He asks what's wrong, to which he gets yelled at by the three of them and Doña Florinda (Quico's mom) calling him a thief. Chavo, in disbelief, just stares at them with a very sad face.

After that, it changed to a scene where Chavo is folding his only two clothes and putting them on a handkerchief with all his favorite stuff, that he later transformed into a bindle with the help of a stick. Notice all this was happening with the most depressing song I've heard in my 8 years of life, it was an extract of Peter Pan's "The Second Star to the Right", but with an even more depressing tune (

At this point I had fucking tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe Chavo, the most innocent soul in television, was being treated like a thief. He was about to leave the neighbourhood, but not before saying goodbye to his barrel. That was my breaking point, I couldn't take it anymore. I started crying my heart out and couldn't finish the episode since I ran into my mom's bedroom in search of comfort.

Years after that, I watched the episode again. In the end Chavo decides not to leave the neighbourhood and the thief becomes a good guy, giving back everything he stole after listening to Chavo talking to Quico about having a clear conscience and how he prayed for the thief to become a good guy, and buys Chavo a ham sandwich which he shares with Quico.

Okayyy, maybe it wasn't such a big deal, but it made me really sad as a kid and it was the most upset I got by a series/movie. I also got really upset with Life Is Beautiful's ending, but I was already 12 so it didn't hit me that hard. Anyways, I'd love to hear y'alls ""Cinematic traumas"", so plss make a comment telling them if you feel like it. I don't have anything else to say sooo BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CY'ALL NEXT BLOG/BULLETINNNN ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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birdylar_20xx's profile picture

No te vayas Chavo.......

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by LeoStrife; ; Report


Aiko's profile picture


Also I'm og u told me and showed me ts onn discord while we were calling :tongueemoji:

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by LeoStrife; ; Report


by Aiko; ; Report

ingeniux 💢

ingeniux 💢's profile picture

that sounds so sad ngl you justified for not finishing the episode LMAO. also that song linked is really nice i like it.

i don't have any stories i can think of but this was an enjoyable read.

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TYSMMMMMM ️ And yesss, it's a really cool recomposition

by LeoStrife; ; Report