• Sunday - 2/16/25
- n/a
• Monday - 2/17/25
- I dunno man, just haven't felt the motivation to do so, and also the days stacks up y’know?
- There are also other reasons…. like my brother came down to visit from college, so thats that.
- Well anyways this is the last day of my break -and man, I really don’t want to go back to school.
- There was a project I was supposed to do over the break, didn’t do it, didn’t feel like it. Now I’m started to regret it, y’know, just slightly.
- My gosh I’m just only just thinking about it now…. the next two weeks of my life is going to be living hell…
- Ah welp, hey, life’s a bitch, whuddya gonna do about it aye 💔 ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭
- club pictures gonna be tomorrow & I gotta do two of them. One for Orchestra and another for another club I’m in,
- hoping for the best!
- I’ll try to keep updated with this blog….no promises though!
• Tuesday - 2/18/25
- ouch 11 hours at school today.
- super busy day, had to change in and out of clothing so many times.
- wearing dress shoes for the whole school day + afterschool HURTS!! >;(
- the photos went nicely atleast, yay!
- that’s gonna be all cause it’s 11:03pm as of typing this and tomorrow is gonna be another long long day.
- here’s some art to compensate tho (•ᵕ•)
• Wednesday - 2/19/25
- n/a
• Thursday - 2/20/25
- n/a
• Friday - 2/21/25
- ah well, I guess I haven't kept up with this
- sorry guys, I've just been hella hella stressed lately...
- I've totally forgotten what happened on Wednesday
- butttt, I know that Thursday was not the best day, some shit happened during afterschool that really, really, really bummed me out.
- I'm gonna have a state qualifier competition tmr, so yeah, I've been kinda stressed for that too
- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, best of luck to me I guess
- here's something from yesterday night I guess
- auhghhh my god I'm so burnt out
• Saturday - 2/22/25
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