For context, i saw a game dev's short video about their game progress. It's a cool game because for me, the style and stuffs are interesting. The only thing that's makes me uncomfortable are because they put each building distance are a bit too close (i have claustrophobia). Then i put my comments like "I think i have claustrophobia because the distance between building are too close". It even got liked by the developers! Which that means, they take it as some kind of critique.
But then, there is one random person reply and said "don't listen to this kind of peoples. they won't make your game any good. trust me". I feels like "what" then replying back "i never said devs should change his game to comfort me. A good game developer is the one who listen and consider any each opinions, not reject not accepting it blindly".
And back to the topic, i was upset because it seems people are just hate getting neutral opinion. It ironic for myself too because... i also takes that random person's opinion as something hateful. I'm glad the developer are not like him, but still, that act just trigger my memories where anyone in centralized social media become enemy each others because they simply don't agree with each other's opinions. religion, politics, heck even in art community there is drama everyday, where it shouldn't happen. Do people already leaving "the peace of accepting each other speechs and move along"?
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Internet has gotten so much eviler and that has conditioned people to think that every single sentence is an attack against them or everyone. And it fuels to it the fact that people make everything into an argument, a fight, something negative. the "i talk about waffles you tell me i am talking about pancakes" type situation. Everyone is angry. Angry makes people defensive and walled off, not hearing a single thing someone else is saying.
you're right. these peoples are also the same person who takes other person words as real 100% fact simply because they're in same interest, although the words itself are questionable.
by Snow Bunny Jr; ; Report