GRIFFEN's profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

End of the forum post.


The source of the issue has been found, unfortunately it doesn't appear to be one that can be fixed as it's related to the character limit, meaning that it's an intended feature that's causing the issue. for more clarification, here's a copy of the reply I left about it:
"In order to test this properly, I made a new forum post and copied over the contents of this one, then I added characters until it stopped me. according to my character counter of choice the limit is 20818 when editing, this list currently is at 20769. I'm sorry to say but these list are no longer able to be held on Spacehey, no more submissions will be accepted for the time being. My current plan is to move its contents to another website (Neocities is my current choice) before gutting these forums and replacing them with redirects to the new host and a list of credits, if any of you have a better idea please let me know. Thank you all for your continued support over the past 2 years, this list wouldn't be as good as it is without it!"

Below are the original contents of the blog post:


Just making a blog post to inform you that I am currently incapable of updating my old web computers/browsers list due to a bug. I have reached out to Spacehey through their support email however this was a few days ago and they have not got back to me so this issue may take a while to be resolved.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

14 Kudos


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Ginger 1234

Ginger 1234's profile picture

sigh well i guess this is the end... thank you so much for me helping with that forum post well i guess this a final farewell... [*]

press f to pay respects to this list (i guess?)

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Worry not! The list itself will continue Somewhere (undecided), the only thing that's ending are the forum posts.

by GRIFFEN; ; Report

oh okay

by Ginger 1234; ; Report


demaeman's profile picture

maybe u couold use google docs?

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not a terrible idea, i'll look into it. thanks for sending!

by GRIFFEN; ; Report

Jacob Persico

Jacob Persico's profile picture

Wow. That really sucks. Hope they fix it soon.

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